
I need help figuring out what position I should play...any advice?

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Well I'm trying out for the vb team and I have no idea what position I should play...I'm prety good at setting and bumping, not too good at spiking though but I'm a good over hand server.

I'm have strong arms and legs I can jump pretty high but not amazing and I'm 5feet6in which doesnt seem that tall but its pretty tall fro an 8th grader

thanks :)




  1. Others have already suggested it but I would try for setter. For one, they're not as common as hitters so they're very valuable especially if you're a great setter because it's hard to find a great one. Also, since you're good at bumping and setting you can use both to be a setter. I wouldn't totally rule out hitting or anything else though because that is pretty tall for an 8th grader and you never know what you'll develop into and become good at with some extra practice. Ask your coach to keep an eye on you too if you're outgoing enough to do that because I know some aren't and simply say you're open to anything that you might have a spark at but would like to be a setter. Good luck! :]

  2. You're right where you should be at this stage in your volleyball "career." Your coach will help you determine which positions you should concentrate on. Every position needs to execute the fundamentals, so work on them. Also, you're at a good age to be involved in a strength training program (not too rigorous please). Ask your coach/gym teacher about what types of things are available at school for athletes who want to get involved in strength training.

  3. Personally I would suggest being a setter but if you like to hit, the right side hitter is more shorter than the other two.

    Or ask your coach where you should play or just experiment.

  4. Just tell the coach where you think your at in terms of your skill level, and tell him/her your not sure where you want to play. If your coach was as understanding as mine, he or she will probably try you in different positions until you find one that clicks with your skills. Good Luck!

  5. your coach should place you in a postion that she thinks is right for you!!! and i wouldnt play any position if you didnt feel comfortable playing it. but i would suggest start practicing spiking, because a team alwas needs spikers!! Im not really sure though its up to you. i never really had much of a choice i was placed as a middle only because im 6'1 and im only a freshman in high school!!! but you can play middle too. but i would suggest going for outside and start training to be an outside hitter!!!!! GOOD LUCK!!!! :)))) contact me if you have anymore questions! :) ~ but being 5'6 you might want to aim for setter just be open to any advice coaches give you or which position you should play you could be a good libero too but anything could happen!!!

  6. I think u should play setter or lebrio. Trust my I play one my Highschools Volleyball Team.

  7. When you go into tryouts, tell the coach you are open to play where they feel is best. As a volleyball coach, I might push you towards the setting position because setters are rare. On the other hand if you are one of the best passers you may be placed in the back row. Whatever you do, be open to different positions and listen to every piece of advice you're given during tryouts. It will make a good impression on the coaches.

  8. i'm a volleyball player and I think the best for you since you are just starting up is for you to try and take the best of you for each and every skill there is that is needed in playing competitive volleyball. I think you have a good potential for a setter but might as well learn to execute and perform those other spots/positions  

    a coach will always need a complete player on the court at crunch time than players with limited skills with specialization.

  9. I personally  think is best to play frond row, because they usually takes all the credit, you may also try to be the setter. However, your teacher  will help you decide. Good Luck!

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