
I need help finding a lawyer,in orlando, i have a child that was adopted within my family and i want her back.

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Family is willing to give her back but want me to do it thru the courts. I would like if the lawyer could be affordable.




  1. Has the adoption been "finalized"?  If so, there may be some challenges that arise with trying to bring the child back to you.  If the state was involved with removal of the child, you will need to involve them again so that all of the proper paperwork can be done.  If the adoption has not been finalized yet, you might have a better chance.  I would try contacting an attorney that specializes in family law and/or adoption.  They should be able to help you.

    However, please remember that everytime a child moves from home to home, it does have a lasting impact on them.  Please make sure that this is what is best for your child as well as you.  And I would also suggest that you try to obtain some type of counseling for her during this process so that she has an objective person to discuss her feelings with.

    Good luck to all of you.

  2. Call up a lawyer who does adoption and ask him the cost and your situation. Most will talk for free on consultation.  If they people who adopted her are willing to work with you, you might have a shot. Good luck

  3. All I can say is Good luck. I dont know in what situation you child has to live with someone alse while you are still alive. Also whatever you think first about the best interrest of your child. Do you think it would be safer for her to move her from home to homes just because you want her back?

  4. The family is willing to "give her back"?  This is not adoption, this is babysitting.  What kind of family does this?  What kind of mom does this (yanks her from them)?  I know we don't know all the facts, but geez.  Please think about what is best for this poor child before you do anything.  This poor kid is being bounced around like a ball.  Where are the adults in this child's life  stepping forward and putting their foot down, and standing up for her?!

    But in any case, you cannot "undo" an adoption.  Adoption is final.  You would now have to adopt her.  And the adoptive parents rights would have to be terminated in court.  Depending on Florida laws, you may also have to get an adoption homestudy and qualify as a parent.  (Imagine that!)  If the child was removed from your home by Child Protective Services, they will have to be involved as well, and may not approve.  To get an attorney to do the termination of parental rights and then the adoption, it will cost between $2500-$4000.  If a homestudy is ordered, that is another $500-$900.  You may or may not qualify to adopt her.  

    Here is a link to Florida Family law attorneys:  Good luck making the best decision you can for this child.

  5. A child isn't like a sweater, you can't loan it out and ask for it back whenever it's convenient to you. If your parental rights were terminated and your child legally adopted, I'd say you don't have much of a chance to get her back..

  6. If the child was removed from you, then your chances are slim to none.  The judge is going to question why you gave your child up if you did it willingly.  How about the lawyer the adoptive family used. He/she would know all the particulars about your case.  Believe me, this is not a simple a process as you  might think.

  7. Check out adoption lawyers in the phone book in your area.  Go through the same procedure I recommend in choosing an agency.

    Call around, interview them.  Ask for references, contact the references & ask them tough questions (would you use them again?  what was your experience from start to finish?  did you have any misgivings or regrets about the process or how things were done?).

    After you check the references they give you, seek out (on the 'net) other folks who've used them & ask the same questions of those folks.  

    Check out the Better Business Bureau (you can do this online) to see if they have complaints & how they were or were not resolved.

    May God bless you in this process.

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