
I need help finding a surfboard but I dont no what to do??

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I'm 5'5 and weigh around 108 and im 15. I need help finding a surfboard. This is the situation. I try to surf as much as I can but i live around an hour from the beach and i get down there as much as I can. I love to surf and its a huge passion!!!!!! It'd my favorite thing to do and I practice at home when i cnt get down the beach all the time. I want to take it seriousely yet im a beginner and I have a longboard Australia thats around 7'4 or 7'2. I surf with a lot of my friends at the beach and they all ride shortboards and im practically the only one with a longbaord. I find the long board harder to stand up on even though its supose to be easier and I think I like using a smallerboard better. I am looking for a new board (shortboard) and I want to know what I should get because i need help!!! THANKKKS




  1. Thanks a_evans8. Yes, go to the local surf shop where you surf. And being an hour away from the beach should be no impediment on doing that. I live two hours from the closest beach. Either someone in your family or some friend of yours has to drive. And, you can buy surfboards all year long, even on the east coast.

    At a local surf shop, the folks there will know the type of waves you encounter where you surf. If you are completely (!!!) honest with them about your skill level, they will help you find the right board for your skill level, your size, local wave conditions and your budget. I have been surfing since 1966, and I go to the shops where I surf with questions like this. Good luck and keep being passionate about surfing!

  2. yeah John F always has great advice. anyway, i am 5'6" and i like shortboarding too. i have a 6'4" shortboard and its a great size. if you want a shortboard i would get one somewhere around 6'4" to 6'7". but go to the surfshop and ask the dudes there and they will tell u a bunch of good stuff

  3. get like a 6'2 fish and whatever you do, do not listen to John F. he copy and pastes everything he writes down.

  4. in just a little while, John F is going to write you it---and do it. your local surf shop will love you.  

  5. did u know you ask alot of questions

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