
I need help finding a topic for my engineering research practicum... any ideas?

by  |  earlier

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ok ... well i have to do a research project for my senior year and i need 3 ideas of what to do ....the project has to be in the topic of engineering preferably architecture or civil or computer




  1. Computer: Here is the question you can answer:

    How has the internet helped nerdy engineers refrain from getting laid more than when the internet wasn't around?

    It seems that because you guys are computer savvy, you would be getting a few chicks... WRONG. You guys are still incapable of getting laid unless you pay for with all the money you make from your engineering degrees. but when the money runs out one day, watch out, because the woman will too! So figure that out and you will make yourself and a lot of your nerdy friends very happy.

  2. My little lady, one of the good architectural projects i like is the " Birds Nest Stadium " in Beijing , the second idea is an internet coffee shop, the third i would consider a kids museum .

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