
I need help finding a topic for my research paper. I have been struggling for a week. See topic below. Thanks!

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An instance of change in one society that resulted from its contact with

another OR (2) an instance in which the contact led a society to resist change and reaffirm its own values, social

organization, political institutions, or other features. Then write an 8-10 page paper in which you answer a proper

research question about change or resistance to change in a society during the period 1200-1750




  1. 1. In Southern California, there is a large percentage of Hispanic people. The result: multilingual high schools, areas of cities such as LA where Spanish is the main language, politicians learning Spanish and Spanish culture to secure that vote, and a general suffusing of Spanish ideas and artefacts throughout the state. Similar and more limited claims could be made for the infiltration of Cuban culture in Southern Florida.

    2. If the whole paper has to be 1200-1750, use the landing of Spanish explorers in Florida in the 1500's to 1600's. De Soto, Ponce de Leon landing in Florida and establishing a Spanish colony and influence there. The Indian cultures atrophied. New plants were introduced. Different kinds of houses were built--architectural changes.

    You can then end with the Cuban business mentioned above showing how Spanish culture is like an ocean whose waves keep breaking on the shores of the Sunshine State.

    3. The Puritans found themselves in the majority in 16th and 17th century New England. But Quakers, led by William Penn, resisted Puritan ways of thought and finally broke away, establishing themselves in Pennsylvania. There's a paper there.

  2. The change that resulted in the total devastation of many native American tribes, many to the point of genocide up to extinction, was that caused by their contact with the 'modern' society of that time.

    And this type of thing continues, worldwide.  On our continent, look to the Amazon jungle basin in South America.  There are still tribal societies unknown to the rest of the world, deep within this area.  But, due to illegal mining, logging, and poaching, they are fast disappearing.

    As for resisting the change, how well did that work out for Native Americans?--Well, I think you can see that in some situations, 'resisting the change' is not so viable an option.

    So, there's your topic:  Amazonian tribes in peril due to contact with outsiders.  If the time period MUST be 1200 to 1750, then why not just take the case of the Native Americans?  (Even though much more damage was caused in the period from 1750 up to the present).

  3. Why not write about the Spanish conquest of the Aztec empire of Mexico or later the conquest of the Inca empire of Peru. There are plenty of well documented facts available on the internet and in almost any library anywhere in the country.

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