
I need help finding out why amphetimines was in my bloodwork and I don't even take such things?

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I have lost my physicans services due to bloodwork done at cleveland clinic er at main campus. I presently have Lupus and am on alot of medications.

I recently had an accident which has damaged my spinal cord and am in a neck brace and am in alot of pain.

While at the er my bloodwork somehow showed amphetimines, which I don't even take and have now lost my Lupus Dr. at willoughby hills.

I don't even take anything other than the meds that I am on with the exception to caffiene while I was on a trip. I don't know what to do now or how to take correct steps to find out how this happened so I can get my physican back. I'm in alot of pain and don't know where to turn.




  1. It was probably in one of the medications you took. It is in certain medications, and some of the times it will not b listed on them. That is why athletes have to be careful of what they take. Amphetimines are also sometimes present in over the counter medicine. Your physician might be upset because he belives you are taking medication he did not perscribe to you, or that you did not tell him what medicines you are taking. Try talking to him, explain your situation and give him a list of the medicines you are taking. If he doesn't take you back as a patient try going to another physician.

  2. obviously something in your meds are showing up as some sort of amphetamine. so get a second blood test, and tell your gp to shove it! Unless ofcourse, u did have a bit of crack or something!

  3. Did you eat a bagel or something that may have had poppyseeds?

    Have you taken any weightloss or herbal (alternative) medications recently? If you answer yes to any of the above, there may be a key to your problem.

  4. Many OTC remedies break down in the body to give false positives.

  5. cold or allergy medicine could be the culprit-

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