
I need help finding some info.?

by  |  earlier

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My boyfriend and I are looking to find information on him adopting my son. We are planning on getting married in a year or so... but we need to get it legal now. Any information or links would be appreciated.




  1. when you use donor sperm, is the agency name listed on his OBC since it is usually anonomymous?

  2. It depends on where u live and how the biological fathers situation is. By this I mean does he play an active role in your son's life/ If not you can easily have his rights terminated. You would have to got to your local family court commissioners office at the courthouse. But, in most states you have to be married already to have another man adopt the child. It is because they want to assure there is someone to take the fathers role over again to this child. Best of luck!

  3. Not one answer is going to help you because there are so many variables from state to state and country to country.

    I married my second husband and he adopted my kids from my first marriage, but we had to be married for atleast a year before we started the process (that was in California)

  4. The biological father will first have to sign over his rights.

  5. You need to contact an attorney.  You might also want to find a paralegal service in your area as well.

  6. Try the link below on It has the links to all the state adoption laws. What the other responders have said is also true, there are so many variations in each set of state laws, that you must read the ones for your state of residence. Then you should consult an attorney to make sure you do things right the first time. Good-luck.

  7. This is a legal matter and only an attorney can help you.

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