
I need help finding visual schedule icons for my Autistic son!!!?

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I am looking for cartoon like icons that I can print at home to make a visual schedule for my mostly non-verbal autistic son. Does anyone know where I can find some online to print out?




  1. There is an image editor at the first source listed below.

    I start each computer day with "Calvin and Hobbes" at the second source.  Like all small boys, Calvin sleeps, rises, eats breakfast, goes to school, plays, watches TV, bathes, and goes to bed.  By perusing these for a few days, you should find a fair number of useful images.  There are tons more at the third site.

  2. Go to your local autism society.  They usually have computers with Boardmaker and the like so that parents can use them there.  Also, ask your child's teacher.  She will probably send one home within a week or so.  Clipart from Word or just shareware (google or yahoo and type in images) may work, too.


    and for your information, Boardmaker is now offering an affordable version of their program for parents to use at home.

    maybe you can get funding to get that program.  One trick I have learned for laminating: I use packing tape as long as the symbols are small enough to fit the width. cheapest laminating you can do!

  4. Check with your son's school.  We use Boardmaker at my school.  I use Boardmaker Icons for an augmentative communication device for one of my students.  I asked her parents for input on things they think should be included, as well as ones that I feel are important at school.  I have also made copies of all of the icons and sent them home to her parents so they have the opportunity to reinforce and use them at home.  Good luck.

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