
I need help for Volleyball tryouts?

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I'm 13, and i'm going into 8th grade. I made the 7th grade volleyball team last year, and tryouts are coming up soon for the 8th grade team. I'm only 4' 8.5'' so my height has nothing to do with if i get cut or not. But, to make the 8th grade team you have to have an overhand serve. I can sometimes make mine over but only about 2 out of 10 times, any tips so i can make it over maybe 7 out of 10? I need help please. Also any tips for good bumps and sets?




  1. It's a bit suprising that you have to have an overhand serve. There is a girl in my volleyball group (like, freshman, jv, and varsity) who serves underhand because she is shorter than the rest. Her underhand is very affective too.

    You want to have a good toss. Then, with all your strength, hit the ball up and over. Until you get consistent at serving, then you practice hitting spike serves and (like me!) jump serves.

    A good set is one where it gets staight up and is not spinning. It is what we call a dead ball.  

  2. Keep practicing, first of all. Your toss has to be not too high, not too low, and hopefully you hit with your right hand, so toss the ball somewhat near that hand, not just straight up. Like hopefully you know how to put your hand somewhat near your ear and your elbow out, then swing straight down into the ball but swing while the ball is still pretty high in the air. Swing hard. Think of even something that makes you mad. Like the other team for example. Then use your anger. But make sure you still aim correctly or it will go out of bounds, just use anger for the power if you don't normally have power.

    For bumps, put shoulders down, get low, make sure the heels of your feet dont touch the ground as your low, then point your fingers to who your passing to and push it up to them.  Dont be afraid to dive, its actually pretty fun but still have a sense of direction if you can. If you cant pass it, then try to get it over the net as a dig. I mean thats why you have knee pads, believe me it doesnt hurt and looks impressive at tryouts, like your really trying. And dont try to be nice like during a game, go for the balls when you can, and when you are going to spike, then call your position "outside", "middle", "opposite" so the setter can set you. you can call it every play if you really want to spike. if your back row but still want to spike or tip, just say "A" (for outside, in the back row), "B" or "Pipe" (for middle in the back row) and "C" for the Opposite position. Yell that when your in the position, so if you havent switched to it yet, and your an outside in the opposite position, yell C, not A. You get me? Idk if middle school volleyball is like that though since my middle school didnt have a vball team. Also, with digs, use some power to get the ball up in the air and move out of the way so your teammates can get the ball if it only gets right above you. get up as fast as Misty May, lol.

    And for sets. I'm not a setter but its easy to practice them at home. either set to yourself or to a friend. Try to set far away as you can. Even like do lots of pushups, that probably will help your arms like.. set

    I hope this was useful! I spent like 10 mins on this lol

  3. I'm having a lot of trouble with the overhand myself, but here are some tips that worked for me:

    Make sure your toss is right. You probably heard this many times, but the toss is very important. Your toss should be parallel to your right shoulder (assuming you're right handed) and it shouldn't go too high; actually, the height should be about the same as how high you can extend your arm upwards. Also, when you toss, make sure the ball isn't close to you, meaning, don't toss right above your head. Also, when you toss the ball, do it without a spin.

    Next, make sure that when you're about to hit the ball, you have to shift your weight to the opposite foot. For example, if you're right handed, you would step with your left foot forward. Before you toss, your weight should be on your right foot, and then, once you toss, shift your weight to your left foot. Otherwise, you can just step forward with the right foot after your toss.

    Make sure to follow through with the ball. Your hand should basically follow the ball and then it should slap your thigh. If you want a float serve, which is harder to do, then, you would just have to slap the ball and not follow through.

    If you still can't get it over, try hitting the ball with your fist. This gives more power and speed to the ball. It will help with your swing. I don't know if your coach accepts fist serves though. Also, since you don't have much control over the ball with your fist, you should really learn how to do it with your palm, but you can try with your fist just so that you get the technique right.

    As for setting, bend your knees before you contact the ball which will add heigh to the set. Hit the ball with the tips of your fingers, and contact the ball fast. Do not carry.

    For bumping, lock your arms, so that the ball will hit both of your arms. Make sure you contact the ball with your arms, not fist.

    Hope i helped. Good luck.

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