
I need help for cleaning my cats ear?

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i`ve noticed that my cat is itching her ear and it became all watery and it became all black so what can i do to fix it




  1. ok so this is what you need to do! I have 2 kittens and 1 cat but i've had lots of cats! lol no I'm not a crazy cat lady anyways first you need to turn off all of the lights and grab a flashlight and look into the ear that has been itching the most. Now make sure the cat sits still. And if you see anything white moving there are earrmites. Nothing TERRIBLE but it is still bad. Now if you don't see the earrmites than your cat may just have waxy ears. If it has earrmites than take it to a vet a.s.a.p but it's not an emergency thing but should be taken care of soon. If you don't than just take a WET Q-tip and swab the inside of the ear but not too deep! Because you could hurt your kitty! And if your still not sure take it to a vet and just pay the $30 for a check-up and they will tell you! Hope i helped!

  2. You need to check it for mites, first.

    Is there a black nest in her ear alllll the way inside?

    She'll need a special ear solution for this and a lot of cleaning.

    Otherwise, just get a saline solution and put it on a cottonball. Wipe the noticable parts of the ear down like this. Then use a q-tip the same way, or dry, to get farther in there. Just make sure not to use too much saline at once so it won't drip into her ear.

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