
I need help for homework? due tomorrow help please!?

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question 1.Who were britain alliance with in 1914?

question 2.Who were germany in an alliance with in 1914?

question .What problems might make alliances cause?




  1. If only there was something called the internet where you could look things like this up. Oh hang on a moment, I think there is......

    Edit. You are either really lazy or stupid.

    Gosh that was hard to find.

  2. This girl is in the education section on homework help, not the abuse me section. Give her a break.

    Some people will do anything to get two points!!!! desperate!!!

    This is as much as i know on this subject:

    British alliances: Russia, Italy, USA and France

    German alliances: Austria - Hungary (they were classed as one country at the time)

    And im assuming that alliances whether it be world war one or not would probably cause the same problems, not only would there be more deaths, more peoples lives are effected by the results of the war, and it would cost more money.

    Imagine you were having a fight with one other person, wouldnt it be far more easier and quicker that you sorted it out between the two of you rather than getting other people involved, as they too have their opinions on whatshould happen next, it could make the situation worse in regards to casulaties if the fight was no longer between just the two of you, and also it couls start new wars between other members.

    I also got this info from google:

    The Allies of World War I are sometimes also referred to as the Entente

    Powers or The Triple Entente (entente being French for "agreement"). The

    main allies were France, the Russian Empire, the British Empire, Italy and

    the United States. France, Russia and Britain entered World War I in 1914,

    as a result of their Triple Entente alliance. Many other countries later

    joined the Allied side in the war (see below).

    It should be noted that U.S. President Woodrow Wilson and his

    administration were determined not to define the U.S. as an ally. The

    United States declared war on Germany on the grounds of German violations

    of American neutrality, by attacking international shipping. The U.S.

    entered the war as an "associated power", rather than a formal ally of

    France and Britain, and maintained that distance throughout the war.[1]

    Although the Dominions and Crown Colonies of the British Empire made

    significant contributions to the Allied war effort, they did not have

    independent foreign policies during World War I. Operational control of

    British Empire forces was in the hands of the five-member British War

    Cabinet (BWC). However, the Dominion governments controlled recruiting,

    and did remove personnel from front-line duties as they saw fit. From

    early 1917 the BWC was superseded by the Imperial War Cabinet, which had

    Dominion representation. The Australian and Canadian army units were

    grouped in their own separate army corps, under Australian and Canadian

    commanders, who reported in turn to British and/or French generals.

    In April 1918, operational control of all Allied forces on the Western

    Front passed to the new supreme commander, Maréchal de France Ferdinand


    European military alliances in 1914. The Central Powers are depicted in

    puce, the Allies in grey and neutral countries in yellow.

    Allied states

    Belgium (including Belgian colonial forces)

    British Empire


    British crown colonies


    Indian Empire

    New Zealand


    South Africa

    United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland

    France (including French colonial forces)

    Greece (May 1917 and after)

    Italy (April 1915 and after)

    Empire of Japan


    Portugal (including Portuguese colonial forces)

    Romania (August 1916 and after)

    Russian Empire (until November 1917)


    United States (April 1917 and after)

    as well as:



    Armenia (1918)


    Brazil (1917)

    Costa Rica


    Czechoslovakia (1918)









    Republic of China (1917)

    San Marino



    hope this helped

    good luck x

  3. OK. Before WWI, there were two alliances, each with three member nations.

    Triple Entente: England, France, Russia

    Triple Alliance: Germany, Italy, Austria-Hungary (this was one country at the time)

    America were never part of either alliance, but DID eventually fight on the side of the Triple Entente

  4. Just do it by yourself!

  5. This site will give you all you need for WWI.

    Use it and do your own work -- that way you'll LEARN!

    EDIT: No help on the Internet? Give me a BREAK!

    And, to the "abuse" accusing answerer -- This is homework HELP -- not homework DO. This person made no effort whatsoever and that's perfectly obvious. To give the answers didn't HELP him at all. It just taught him that not doing any work is rewarded.

  6. Do you go to summer school or something? Because it is summer dear!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Get outside and have some fun in the sun at the beach or whatever but dude get out a school cause its summer baby enjooooooooooyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy...

  7. Britian with France and other european

    Germany with Italy

    Problems include more deaths and a longer war

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