
I need help for my phd degree?

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i am looking for ph.D degree in US or Canada or EU Universities in Agriculture furthermore i have fund for my study but the question is how can i get acceptance letter from supervisor?

thank in advance




  1. I'm sorry, but if you can't figure this out yourself, I don't think you're smart enough to get a P.H.D.

  2. My guess at what your asking is: You are wealthy and wish to do an unfunded PhD in Agriculture somewhere in the world.

    Well, first off you need to figure out where you want to do it ... If you're willing to pay may I suggest approaching Oxford, Cambridge, MIT or Harvard as places to start?  They may allow self-funded PhD students at full international rates, but this in no way exempts you from the normal admission criteria - it will just make it easier.  Typical admission requires a first class standing in an accredited masters program.  Next, find someone at that school who you want to work with (Google the university name followed by department name) and write them a polite email with the research project that you propose to fund out of your pocket.  

    Do realize that doing a self-funded PhD at international student rates can cost upwards of $60,000USD/year in tuition and living expenses alone - let alone whatever costs will be incurred by your research.  In the case that it takes you 7-8 years to finish that sinks you quite a bit in the hole.  

    For funded UK PhD's listings, take a look at

    For a list of Canadian graduate programs take a look at:

    For the USA, it's depended on University.  Figure out where you would like to go and then look on their websites to see if there are funded phd's being posted

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