
I need help for my rabbit?

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My rabbit has been sick of the hot weather (he lives outside) and he has been laying in the dirt next to a really sharp plant and has been eating it. It's really hard to get him out and whenever you get him out he runs back. I decided to lock him in his cage for a few minutes and he just ran back. The dirt is ant infested and I'm afraid he is going to hurt himself with the plant!




  1. Rabbits die in hot weather so you need to put him in his cage and put him in a cool place with plenty of cool fresh water for it to drink.

  2. You need to put your bunny in a pen and away from the ants and out of the sun

    I have a bunny and he is inside

  3. he should be inside.

  4. i live in 100 degree weater and my bunnies live out side go to home depot or wal mart and see if they have any wood and make a little fence and put his food away from the plant and any time he goes near the plant he gets no food al night

    i did it on my bunnys and it worked on them

    so try it'

  5. put a frozen water bottle outside with ur rabbit. then the rabbit will go to the water bottle instead of the plant. u might want to move his home some place with a little more shade and no sharp plants. hope this helps!

  6. my rabbit used to live outside and in really hot weather, I would just put her in her carrier and bring her inside for a while.  My friend's rabbit died of heat exposure so I would just let him take a break from the heat for a little and bring him inside.

    Here is a list of plants that are toxic to rabbits

    I couldn't find anywhere to help you ID the plant which I am sorry about

    You have to find a way to pick him up and bring him inside.  Rabbits are amazing with temperature changes but he probably needs a break.  If I were you I'd slowly very, very, slowly go to him with a soothing voice, pet him gently for a few minutes, then just pick him up and hold him securely and just bring him inside.  

    Good Luck and I hope that I helped

  7. do you think you can move the cage? or maybe you can put him in a temporary cage and then dig out the plant and put some ant killer stuff for the ants. try bleach i did and it works

    hope this helped

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