
I need help for my son?

by  |  earlier

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my son and this lady got married about three years ago they got married 2 weeks before the baby was born but had lived together a year before anyway they had another little girl a week ago and then today they was fussing about something and my son found out that his name is not on either ones birth certificate is there anything he can do to correct this without having to have a dna and all that other stuff they are still married and living together she won't even let my son take the kids anywhere at all and he don't try because he don't want the two of them to get into it but i haven't even saw the last one yet for some reason she's mad at me (1 year now) so we don't speak i am not allowed to go there when i do i have my son to come outside to keep the peace between him and her so i also need to see if there's anything i can do at the court so i can see them and whats so funny me and my daughter-in-law use to be really close




  1. Just make an appointment with a family court attorney and tell them the story. They'll be able to tell you if you can really do anything legally.

    But if I were you, I would just threaten her with legal action first. You would be surprised how sweet and compliant people can be when you start throwing words like sue, court, and lawyer around. If that doesn't work then spend money on a lawyer.

  2. I'm not sure the marriage laws in your state, but where I live if your legally married then it is assumed that the husband is the father unless they have a dna test done. He might be able to go to his local health department, or wherever you go in your area to get a copy of the birth certificates and ask to have his name added to the birth certificates. Have him take a copy of his marriage license.

  3. he can go to the county clerks office at the courthouse and file a motion for a hearing date, so that he can explain to the judge that his name is not on the birth certificate. this cost very little. and as the biological grandmother;, you can file a motion to see your grandchildren also. the law is on you and your son's side. they were legally married before the children were born. the judge will take this into consideration. hope this helps. good luck.

  4. wow..thats quite a bit..and really sad..why did she didnt had ur son's name in the birth cert?i realy cant figure why she wud do that?well,asing it on what u said..she may feel unsecure..most girls when married seems to feel that,that there husbands myt cheat or sumthing..that explains why she wont allow him to take the kids..i admire ur son though,seems he's so in love with her...and thats really funny cause u said u used to be close..why not try to talk to her?f she wont oblige then seek for an advice legally..get some attorney..goodluck with it

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