
I need help forming a thesis statement for my history paper.?

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I'm writing a history paper on Christopher Hibbert's The House of Medici: It's Rise and Fall as a summer reading requirement. In the paper I have to list the three most important members of the family and defend their rankings. I've already read the book. I am stuck with how to form a thesis for my introduction to the essay. How could I start the thesis?




  1. My method of choice with both theses and conclusions is called the "funnel" method.  With a thesis you start with a funnel-like structure; your first sentence is broad, simply addressing the topic, but with each sentence you get more and more specific (ie: Animals, dogs, poodles, poodle crossbreeds).  Finally, the very bottom of the funnel at its narrowest is where you list your three main thesis points.

    Likewise, my conclusion is an "inverted' funnel.  I restate my three, main thesis points, and with each sentence after that I become more and more broad, eventually addressing the "why is this important" question.  I find this is the best way to write for me!

    Good luck!

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