
I need help found bird!

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I found a bird- a chickadee i think, and it was being attacked by the neighbor's cat and it can't fly, I doesn't seem to want to want to eat either, but im not sure what to feed it. Any suggestions/help?




  1. Call a vet right away there are wild animal societies to take care of it.

    other than that keep it warm and it is usually ok to feed boiled egg.

    Glory Rose

  2. Call a wildlife rehab center immediately. It may seem cruel, but you should have let nature take its course.  Cats are predators and birds are prey, and chickadees aren't an endangered species.  Animals eating each other is a natural process.

  3. O yea i found a bird too awhile ago. It was drowning in a bucket of water so i took it out put a clothe on it and fed it some seeds.

    Don't touch the bird because it could have a disease on it. feed it seeds, grain....etc. but keep it on your backyard so it can fly away when it's ready. and make sure the cat is inside the house.

  4. no food no water

    call a wildlife rehabber

  5. If it has any wounds from the needs to go to a wildlife rehab.  Cats carry a lot of bacteria in their saliva and infection will set in quickly..this bird needs to start on antibiotics as soon as possible.  Look here for a rehab near you:

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