
I need help... friend problem :(

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Okay, so me and my best friend have been so close this summer until i found out she was moving. Its our grade 8 year! The problem is that I dont have any other true friends at school. What should i do? I've cried over it many times, so i need real advice. People, please dont judge, just help. This is really affecting my life. Should i stay at the same school? I need support and as much help as possible.




  1. I tell my son all the time...more than likely the friends that you have now will not be your friends by the time you are my age.  Focus on school and getting good grades so that you can choose your future.  Making education your priority now will promise that you have more fun and better friends than you could ever imagine when you are grown.

  2. Well I'm sure when you start school back, you will find new friends. Maybe you will get some new students and you can become friends with them. Good Luck!

    answer mine please, if you feel like reading:;...

  3. Live life, problems will come your way, and of course you will be able to over come them. This is just a speed bump in the road, by the time you enter high school you will have a huge variety of friends.

  4. i know it really sucks losing a good friend, but just find your niche, whether it is sports, drama, or some other kind club.  you will meet other like minded people.  I am not going to lie to you it is gonna hurt losing a friend, but you have a long life ahead of you and you will meet new friends.  but stay in contact with your friend and who knows you might be seeing each other sooner than you think.

  5. Aww, honey :(

    Are you taking any classes that involve your hobbies (gym if you like sports, cooking class if you like to cook, computers if you like computers, etc.)? If so, then it should be even easier to find a new friend. Be yourself and try not to be shy. If you need help getting started with what to say, the rule of thumb is, when in doubt, introduce yourself. Say something like, "Hey, I'm ____! What's up?" Or say something about what they're working on, what they're wearing, what they're holding, etc. Like, "Hey, that's a cool necklace!! Where'd you get it? I'm ___, by the way."

    Good luck!

  6. I know its hard when you lose on of your best friends [[moving away]] because its happended to me, just last year my best friend since like 1st grade moved bout an hour away from here but i still dont see her much. But the best thing you can do is just cry, that sounds funny but crying does help. && if you start talking to new people or some other friends you will eventually get closer && closer so that will help. It would be best if you stayed at the same school though so you can talk to other friends or just talk to some peopel you havent before.

    Well i hope this helped.

  7. You will make new friends! Don't worry, everything will turn out all right! She doesn't sound like a true friend, if she knew she was moving all summer and just told you. If she just found out herself then that's okay. Don't move schools, just hang in there hun!

  8. my bestest friend for life moved away when I was in 7th grade and me and her are still bestest friends nd i see her like once every   we are like sisters now we got even closer but if you dont have any friends you should try to make some new ones in high school join after school activties talk to alot of people, call your bestest friend every day and imagine how your frien feels she is moving away to a completly different school were she doesnt no anywhere support her alot  

  9. cosmo,, I don't wanna move but I can't help it.. you know why.. I don't wanna leave you and you're a really special person to me but a girls gotta do what she can't prevent:'( you'll always be in my heart and my bffl<3 no matter what. I don't want you to be sad or anything cause that'll just make it harder for everyone.. just know that whereever I am, ILYSFM and nothing can change that! I'm sure you'll have no trouble making friends because your awesome and whoever becomes friends with you is one lucky person and I am glad I am:) so don't be sad cause we will always talk even if I have to get some special phone plan and I'll visit for sure:) anddd your spending march break with me.. the whole week:) if you can.. ILY ILY ILY ILY ILY ILY ILY!!!!! and we'll be BFFs no matter what:)

  10. You can always stay in touch with your friend by calling and visiting once in a while.  Try making new friends who will like you for you, so you do have friends to be around you even though your best friend won't be around.  As long as you keep in touch with her, you'll know how she's doing and can still chat and such with her.  When you visit her, you can do some things you two would normally do when she is around.  

  11. no matter what school you go to, people will always be the same. there will always be the clicks, the backstabbing, the hurting, the pain but also there will also be the good times, the nice people, the loners who don't need clicks....i suggest you stay where youre at and just keep looking, but a fresh start could help you's really just what works best for you.  look where you might not normally think to look for friends, the library, or people sitting alone at the cafeteria tables... they may be more open to new people than the stuckups.

  12. First of all, do you mean "no true friends" as in like all your other friends dont really like you and talk behind your back? or you dont have friends that are really close to you?

    If you mean that they dont like you, sure, transfer if you want.

    But if you just have friends that like you but aren't your reallyyy good friend, then stay.

    Btw, with your friend gone, it might open you up to new people.

    good luck! :)

  13. I'm not gonna lie your going at this the very wrong way, you see you seem rather focused on yourself when I don't think that will be the problem...I'm surprised your not saying "I'm afraid to lose contact..." etc...

    Grade 8, I under stand probably a huge year for you, but if you look at it this way (and assuming your school system works they way mine does) your going into high school, and I think you can make it without your truest friend. Coming from a girl who has moved more than once and lost plenty of best friends, not just from moving either. Fights, growing up...

    You can get through it, and if not this year, then you will make plenty more friends in high school, trust me on that, I'm going into my senior year this year and I know I will make a bunch of friends this year and grow apart from others.

    Believe me I don't think you parents will allow you to go to a new school just because your best friend moved, it doesn't work that way. It's not like your going to die without your best friend, which your kind of acting like, no offense.

    Basically this is another fact of life you have to deal with, and these days, I would really consider someone lucky if they kept their best friend from preschool to the end of their lives, I just don't really see that happen much (unless they are sister/brothers or something similar...NOT LIKE sister...actually are.), you are going to lose best friends, and your not the first, or that last person to go through it, I think the thing you should really be worried about is losing contact if you want to make sure you stay best friends. So email, phone, IM, see if there's ways to visit once in a while. That's what you should be concerned about, because when I was going into the fifth grade and moved, I never talked to my best friend again, and when I went to go see if she was still living where I thought she was, she moved, to I don't know where.

    So, your gonna live, quit fretting, you'll meet new people, keep contact. I think that covers it.

    (Plus, there's always a chance of new students right?)

  14. I'm sorry to hear about this. I can relate to this problem, about 5 years ago i migrated to another country to live. I basically started my life all over, i lost my bestfriend and girlfriend too. But live goes on. I try to keep in contact with my friends via internet and phone..we are still friends (not gf though), but like i said you got to keep moving forward just keep in contact via phone..atleast you guys are in the same country and you can visit her on vacations etc.  

  15. I had a similar problem in High School. During my Freshman year all of my friends were Seniors, so the following year (my Sophmore year) they were all gone and I was left with absolutely no one. All I basically did was begin to socialize.

    I'm actually quite a shy person, but I had to teach myself to get past that as much as possible even if that meant putting my self in situations where I knew I wasnt comfortable (like speaking in public or initiating a convo with a random person). I was surprised at how well known I became by the time I became a Senior and graduated.

    Keep in mind though that you are very young and this will barely affect you in the long run. You may be sad now that your friend is moving (if you really are as good friends as you say you are, you'll both stay in touch and it could be like she never left), but sooner or later you probably wont see most of the people that you go to school with now anyway.

    So just look at this as initiative to enhance your networking skills. It'll work out for you.

  16. it is easy to make friends in ur old school.... if u change school u get in trouble finding more ppl....

    well i think u should stay in the same school..... talk to ur best friend on fone after school.... just make new friends ...u'll be fine

  17. I can sort of empathize with this. I just moved this summer. and my best friend moved last summer. however we are still best friends and visit each other during the summers.

    I think you should try and make some new friends at school. I don't think you should switch schools, because a friend moving won't be a big enough deal to the school board.

    maybe you should talk to an adult about this. like your mom or dad.  

  18. I was in 7th grade when i moved away from my best friend. It was the hardest thing I have ever done but just because shes moving doesnt mean ur friendship is over. I am now in high school and she is still my best friend. I talk to her on the phone all the time and email her but another thing that we do is we are the best pen pals. We send etrother pictures and write long letters about boys and stuff, we are better friends now then we were before I moved.As far as the school situation goes I think you should stay because you may of been missing out on some really great friendships because you have been distracted with the friend thats moving. I wish you luck!

  19. listen this pretty much happened  to me and i don't have that many

    friends now (or no friends at all) at my middle school ...yeah that's right(my

    friend for like ...since 1st grade)....anyway if you stay at your current

    school there might be a chance that you might get close to the people

    you barely know....where as you switch, the friend you know might be

    the only person you can connect to and you'll look like a total stranger

    to everyone else ...hope my advice helped and didn't confuse you

  20. Cosmic,

    My heart goes out to you!  First off you should remain strong and prudently think this through.  There are things to carefully consider and they are how long have you attended the school and how will you be afforded the opportunity to move.

      Wish your friend off well, do something nice for her - a special thank you note or card. Throughout your life things and people around you will come and go, be thankful for the experiences that you have been blessed to receive.  I do every night.

      On the up side, you will grow in strength and personal courage by going it alone, until the next best friend comes along.  I have started you out on the right path now its up to you to walk it..............  You will make the right decision!



  21. i just went through the same thing :[

    only i live in california an she had to move to kentucky across the country :[

    i understand how you feel it was horrible for her to leave but we are still bestfriends and we talk everyday so my advice is to stay in the same school an try to make a friend just because your making new friends doesnt mean your replacing the old im so so so sorry i know its thee worst feelinf in the world best of luck :]

  22. well if you can go to the same school she is going to but if you cant just move on

  23. if u leave this school, u will just be in another school where people r even more unfamiliar. try making friends at the school u r attending. try having a small party so u get 2 know more people

  24. that happens to everyone im actually goin threw kinda the same thing rite now

    all i can tell u to do is to get out there and make some new friends just go up to some people and try talkin to them and ask them to go to the mall ur somethin with u (ull make friend in no time)

    or try and become closer with ur other friends in schoool everybody has a best friend but its important to try and make some more than that.

    i know its areally hard thing to do cause iv gone through it sooooo many times(moved around alot) and its hard feeling "alone" but once u start to make more friends it will get so mch more easy

    so hold in there im sure ur an extreamly nice and friendly person u prolly wont hav any problems makin new friends

    good luck :)

  25. Usually as the school year progresses friends just kinda grow on you, I had the same problem in 7th grade, I didn't no anyone. but within a month i had gained about 3-4 new friends. You'll be fine.

  26. STAY AT THE SAME SCHOOL.... and make new frens...

    its gonna be hard sista, but hey.... THATS LIFE FOR YOU. why switch schools when you know so much about yours & the people that go there? you may not have any TRUE FRENS yet...but you will in time...and plus, you can only have one true bf who will always be there for you...but its always good to surround urself with a GROUP of people you trust & can confide into sometimes bcuz that ONE PERSON who is leaving you now isnt going to be with you.

    it was my junior year in highschool wen my bf left me, (she just dropped out) & so i had to make a bunch of new frens .. they didnt replace her, i just added them to my circle... & LUCKY for me it was at the school i had been going to for so long that it didnt take that long to make new ones. so dont switch schools, just be strond & make your circle bigger.

    GOOD LUCK !!

  27. well.. if the new year has new kids you can make new friends that way or maybe there are some people you over-looked as being friends

    you can also look at the stuff they are holding during class

    EX you know they like manga (they carry one everywhere) you like manga too talk to him or her and relate

    that's what i did with a couple of my friends^^

    oh yeah b4 your friend moves get her email and cell phone # (if you haven't already) and stay in touch


  28. get her new phone money (so you can see each other if she is moving far)...and keep in touch...I'm sorry to hear that ur friends moving away i know how it feels everything will be ok...just think of the positive not the negative...she could be gone for ever...but shes not...she is just moving who knows u might make new friends anyway.

  29. As a military kid, I know what it is like personally to actually move or have a best friend move as well.  You don't have to find a new best friend, because if you are close enough to someone you can stay friends even with distance between you.  I havent seen my best friend in 2 years and it wont be another 1-2 until I may see him again, but we keep in contact and support eachother on myspace, and online games we play.  

    Keep an open mind, there are always people to befriend.  I moved here from Germany a year ago and I made about 30 friends at school but only a couple of them were friends of mine outside of school.  Meet new people, and try to be there for people who may be new to your school and area, who knows, you may just be a good help to them and they will look to you as a friend.  I made friends with 2 foreign exchange students personally lol.  

    Be kind, friendly, and interesting.  People might just want to be your friend, who knows?

    :)  Good Luck

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