
I need help from people who have CREDIT CARDS??(st. george, visa card)?

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I want to know which of the following would not record your transections when u r withdrawling money from a savings account:

Withdrawling money from an "ATM" device


Using the credit card just like everyone like when u go shopping just swipe the card and use it in stores???

Would these withdrawlings be written in ur RECORD or history or something?

THanks a lot




  1. Every single transaction is recorded.  Transactions over a certain amount are flagged.

    An ATM would provide the most protection but they do take your photo so be aware of that.

  2. If you use any credit card, all your purchases are recorded on your statement.

  3. everytime you swipe your card no matter where and how it becomes history!!!!

  4. Every transaction has to be recorded so that you can pay the money back!

    if the transaction wasn't recorded then they would be giving the money away!

  5. everything is recorded on your statment

  6. Yes, everytime you use your card it will show up on your bank statement.

    If you use the card as Savings or Cheque it will show up within seconds but if you use it as a credit card it will take a few days to process.

    Because of the few days beware that you will think you have more money in your account than you think. Also if your account has a zero balance & they have to put a credit card debit onto the account you will be charged a fee of about $30.00.

    The Australian banks are so lovely aren'y they?

  7. Absolutely every transaction you make on your credit card is recorded - even when overseas - trust me!

  8. as soon as you swipe your card the transaction is recorded and will appear on your statements.

    What gets written into your  credit record is the frequency and behavior of your payments , your balances and your defaults and also any applications you make for  other credit .

    they will also record the amount of times they send out reminders for late payments , phone calls they make chasing late payments and any recovery actions.

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