
I need help from someone who understands my situation.

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Im a student in Turkey and have been here for five years. i went to high school here and im currently enrolled in a Private college called Bilkent University. I am an American citizen and i want to enter a summer internship in the US the following summer but i just dont know how to do it since i dont have an SAT score and i dont currently reside in the states. please if any one has any experience or ideas on how i can apply ill really appreciate it cause im stuck :)




  1. To use your educational qualifications in the US, you will probably have to have them evaluated by a recognized service (I had to have a foreign degree evaluated in this way).

    It would help if you know which the places you intend to apply to will accept.  They may have a preferred list.  I suggest you phone some places that do internships that you are interested in and ask them what you should do.

  2. I think the best thing to do would be to contact the place offering the internship. They would be able to tell you all of their requirements and if it's possible for you to do it or not. They would be the best people to help you.

    Good luck! :)

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