I've been riding horses for a while. I ride english. The pony I used to canter with was pretty slow so his canter was slow and steady. However, I got too big for the pony (as in tall) so my instructor switched me to a horse. He's a really nice horse. I like his trot and his canter is really good too. But the problem is that I'm scared to canter because I've had previous experiences with being bucked off a cantering horse or just plain falling off of them. I never used to be scared of horses, but now I am. I want to have fun riding a horse, not dreading to go to lessons. The main problem with my canter is that my legs keep on flying all over the place. It's solid and steady during the walk, trot, and sitting trot, but when it comes to cantering, it's like i'm in a rodeo. Also, I have major troubles with sitting deep in the saddle while cantering. I know I'm supposed to and i'm mentally concious of it, but as soon as I start cantering the horse, I just can't. Help...