
I need help getting my son to fall asleep. He has anxiety that really comes out at night. any tips?

by Guest66992  |  earlier

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We are working with a counselor and going in steps. He now stays in his room to fall asleep but is frightened/anxious when he wakes in the night, so he crawls into a sleeping bag on my bedroom floor. He said this morning that it would help if his door was closed when he wakes in the night. But it has to be left open when he first goes to bed. He said he worries that I might not hear him if he needs me and the door is shut. Well, I can solve that w/ a baby monitor or something. BUT, he also said he feels confined with the door shut, but doesn't want a door with frosted glass or something because then he would see things and not be able to identify them and that would scare him. Any tips for getting him to stay in his room through the night? P.S...He's 10 years old.




  1. First show him theres nothing 2 b scared of, check the room to show him. Ask him exactly what he's scared of and try to solve it. some times having sweets b4 bed effects how long it takes to fall asleep and stay asleep, minamize sweets. Doese he get enogh exerisize during the day to burn off all that energy? Night lights sometimes help minamize fear and also leave ur door open so he can see ur right there if any thing hapens. NO SCARY MOVIES FOR HIM! good luck!

  2. He has some major fear and anxiety going on, that's going to take work for a while. I agree with the night lights, one in the bathroom, hallway, his room, your room (so he can see you). Not the dot kind but the actual light kind of night lights.

    We involved my son with a blessing process (we're native american) of his room, the house, and himself. To give him strength and courage and chase away all other bad things. We work with him (now 13) on relaxing, trusting everything is alright, trusting the universe and the Creator will take care of things, to trust mom and dad will protect him and take care of everything. If there are real, actual, life threatening  dangers in his and your life I would work on removing them. Also, we were told this is a form of OCD, obcessive, compulsive disorder (no, not for drugs) but for suggestions on how to work with him to over come some stress in his mind.

  3. food fill him up h**l go to sleep like a baby

  4. i know your councelor will be giving you advice.but if it were me i would sleep in his room or in his bed.bless him.i bet at that age it embarrases him aswell.did he watch a scary film or something or is it just anxiety.once he stops waking in the night try your own room again.he may just want to feel secure and sleeping through is a habbit he just needs time to get used to again.gud luk.please let me no how he does but dont rush leaving his room.let him no its ok to sleep through and not so bet you are beat.their is nothing like a good nights little girl has night terrors.she is nearly 6

  5. I take  a thing of melatonin at night an hour before i sleep and i sleep all night-it is NON  addictive and it is not a Rx. it is available at whole foods

  6. No food that can make it even harder to sleep! Why is your son so scared? It he hearing things at school? Ask him guestion because you can't slove a problem you don't know about!

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