
I need help getting out of this slump?

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i have no failing fat...i have a bad relationship with my mom...and i have nowhere to turn alone in this just at rock bottom and i need help getting out of it




  1. don't you have any real friends you can ask?

  2. hey guy. dont put yourself down like that! how old are you? try talking to a school councelor, but in my opinion seek out a family councelor so u can talk with yoru mom in their. its really helpful! also, maybe stay a few days in a psychiatric hospital, that really helped me alot in geting my life on track. and it gets u away from bad things in life like a vacation

  3. Go to your guidance counselor and ask for suggestions for help and follow the advise. Try to reestablish your relationship with mom, whatever it takes: forgiveness, understanding, etc. Could your mom enroll you into some extracuricular activites like Martial arts or some clubs, that will help build you up. Find something outside school that you don't have to focus on school performance and enjoy yourself. Try the best you can in school and hang in there. My son had some of the same issues, just hang in there kid.

  4. Geez, you sound like me when I was in high school.  Good thing you came to get some answers.  Seeking help from others is the best thing you can do when you are feeling down.  But seriously, think about the last time you thought the same way.  Think about the last time you were down about your current situation.  You got over it right?  Everyone gets over being depressed.  Even if it's only for a few minutes.  If these negative feelings continue for more than a couple weeks than you should see a psychiatrist.  Just remember that everything you described in your question is normal.  People feel down about themselves all the time.  Nobody is perfect.  As you get older you will realize that everyone has issues and noone is "normal".  Again, see a psychiatrist if your depression lasts longer than a couple weeks.  

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