
I need help getting rid of chest acne?

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Ok well i've been struggling with chest acne for the past year or so. I havent found any cures. Please help. Any suggestions or from experience.




  1. hey,i never really had chest acne but i had acne on my face and cured all of it,all u need is a high quality soap bar like dove and a good diet try cuttin down on fast food and junk food eat more vegetables and fruits that are packed with vitamins that rebuild skin cells and drink plenty of water like 6 glasses a day to hydrate ur skin  

  2. Acne is common on the back, chest, shoulders, and even buttocks of many people. It can be a sign of more severe acne when the lesions are large and painful.Log on to for a few home made tips to heal acne .  

  3. well ig ot a few solutions

    get proactive (wait nvm)

    you must wash your clothes more often cusae oil sjust keeps seepin though yoru shirts

    you must wash your clothes thurouly and good

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