
I need help getting rid of fleas in my house?

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Please help me out..fleas are driving me crazy..i have two cats..and i used foggers last week throughout my house but the fleas are still really bad..i dont know what to gonna try foggers again and try out the Raid Spray thats out there to kill fleas..but will that be enough? please help me out with any suggestions




  1. JJ stole my answer. The stuff you get at the vets interrupts the life cycle, and eliminates the fleas in the environment.  I have a dog and an INSIDE cat.  The dog brings the fleas in.  I never have to treat the cat.  I just treat the dog.

  2. Too much info to get into here.

    Try this link and look under parasites. You will find out all you need.

  3. try out a small part of the carpet and use dog shampoo one that is used for fleas and try washing the carpet with that .. try baking soda and vinager...  call the vets and ask himn im sure they might know if no one else can kelp you make sure the give the cats a bath too.

  4. i'm sure that you've already treated your cats with flea stuff from the vet but just in case you haven't, do that. lol My cat has gotten fleas pretty bad before and we went to the vet and got the vet strength frontline and it's the only thing that has worked. About a week after we put it on him we had no more fleas in our house. If you haven't tried frontline yet maybe that would help. Just make sure you buy it from the vet cause we bought some from a store once and it didn't do anything so they must be different strengths. Hope this helps. Good luck.

  5. We also had a horrid infestation of fleas once and a friend said to try boric acid (borax).   I must warn you though it is a chemical so you must beware.

    Sprinkle it on everything.  (carpets couches etc)  Boric acid will dehydrate the fleas and because it is a powder it will also dehydrate and kill the larvae.

    Leave the powder sprinkled about for a few hours then vacuum very well.  Do not forget in cushions of couch and anywhere else they can hide.

    Repeat this once a week.

    I highly recommend not allowing your cats to walk in the room while the powder is down.

    You will also want to bathe the cats.  Most vets and humane society use Dawn dish detergent.  I am not sure if you are in the US or UK.  In the UK I would try just normal Fairy dish detergent.  Do not get on face or ears.

    With my infestation (this was back in Florida), it took about 2 weeks and we never saw another flea again.

    Do not forget, fleas hide in carpets bedding couches curtains and anything cloth that is up to about 3 feet from the ground.

    Do not inhale the powder!!

    Good luck!

    Edit-I see people with answers of Frontline and Advantage.  Just a fyi from a Vets website...and if you google you will see this as well...

    Are there any side effects of Frontline Plus?

    Fipronil (the chemical ingredients in Frontline Plus) has been shown in studies to be neurotoxic to dogs and rats and affects the reproduction of rats. There have also been some disturbing reports of carcinogenicity (cancer causing) in the rat studies (however it must be stated that rats in these studies were given large amounts of fipronil and not the usual dose rate that is given to dogs/cats in flea prevention). It is classed as a Possible Human Carcinogen based on the studies done on rats. Constant exposure is the worry and there was a warning issued in 1996 regarding the Frontline spray product to all pet groomers and veterinarians who would be exposed at a far greater level than the public as there is a greater chance of inhalation and absorption of the product through the skin at increasing doses with these professions. The most common side effect seen with Frontline Plus application is skin irritation at the point of application. However there have been reports of animals that are allergic to Fipronil, and these animals will react violently to the product.

    I would never expose my cat (or dog) to Frontline or any other chemical of this nature.  People swear by it but if it is KNOWN to cause cancer in humans and when applying burns...what do you think your poor cat/dog thinks or feels?

    As I said...most vets you talk to use Dawn dish detergent.  The sea birds rescued from the Exxon Valdez oil spill were cleaned...with Dawn dish detergent.  The Humane Society uses it.   I even knew a pet groomer that used it and swore by it.

    Please do not put Frontline on your animal if you love them.


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