
I need help getting rid of my annoying enemy whose barnicling to me!?

by Guest59750  |  earlier

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Okay there's this girl whose trying to be my friend. I used to be friends with her but, she constantly lies, back-stabs me and shes even a theft. In Elementary School and Mid School she ruined my reputation and she is rude to me a lot. I don't want her to do the same thing to me today in High School What she does is she tells lies over the lamest things and she says she is sorry for whatever she does and does it again. She says even all these lies about me to other people and she even stole my friends cell phone and in Elementary School she stole my money.

The problem is I am too nice and I keep on taking her back and pretending to be friends with her. Although I don't her to be my friend.

What can I do to get even and tell her I am not interested with out being mean or should I be mean? How can I get the courage to stand up to her and make her leave me alone? I get so mad at myself for being too nice!

And by the way, please answer my question because I spent 5 points for a reason and this is serious and don't be rude! I will be giving 10 points to somebody either tomorrow or later today.

Thank you!




  1. Tell her the truth and you will need a backbone!

    That what I will do.

  2. There's a point where you can ignore her and treat her like an acquaintance, and then theres a point where you just need to say: LOOK i dont like you, stop bothering me and get on with your life. Well, lets just say your at that point.

    High school is a point in life for a new life in a way. you don't need to carry over all the friends you had in elementary school, or jr high, especially if shes going to act like shes five.

    After she hangs out with the wrong crowd, or when people stop taking her bs, shes eventualkly going to realize how stupid she is, and realize that she needs to change.

    and if you need the courage to stand up to her, just think of every single pestering thing she says about you behind your back when your around here. there is no room for being TOO nice, because honestly, people are ALWAYS going to take advantage of it.  

  3. You know her better than anyone else on here, so be careful with applying any answers on here including mine.

    My first inclination was to kill her with kindness. Since you already tried being nice, it seems that won't work.

    Being honest is another suggestion. But if her intent is to make trouble for you from the get-go and was never to be a real friend, then that may not work as well. IF you are honest with her, she may not appreciate your honesty and may make your life even more miserable for you.

    You need to fully understand where she is coming from before you decide how to deal with her. Maybe she is simply jealous because you have other friends? In the mean time try not to spend any more time with her than necessary and what time you do spend around her, be friendly, be understanding without being fake and be ready to come to her aid if she should ever need you to even as Jesus taught his followers to love their enemies. Don't treat her any better or any worse than anyone else and never return evil for evil. If she back-stabs you try to approach her and ask her why? If possible try to get her to feel like she owes you an apology. You know like, "I thought we were friends. Why did you do this to me?" Of course this should only be done in private, between you and her.

    Being mean to her will only make her meaner to you. But you do need to find the courage to stand up to her when she is mean to you or to others. Do you have other friends that don't believe her lies and that will support you? That would be a help.

  4. It's called honesty...  So far, you haven't been honest with her.  

    Be her friend by telling her the truth about herself, &, about how what she has done to you *really* has affected how you feel toward her.  You don't have to be rude---Just calmly tell her the facts...

    Apologize for not telling her the truth before...

    Come Clean' with her.  Pretending to be her friend when you don't like her, is not doing her or yourself any good!

    Show her *by example* how to show responsibility, & what a true friend is like.  At the same time, you don't have to associate with her on a social level.  Develop your sense of self-worth.  Set standards, & live by them.

    Why Be Truthful?

    It Pays to Be Honest

    - Do Not Hide Who You Are

    Should I Apologize? :

    - Why Is It So Hard to Apologize?

    - Apologizing--A Key to Making Peace

    Offer her a YPA book, & suggest that she watch the video:

    How Can I Make Real Friends?

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