
I need help getting rid of my ego

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My mom is always telling me that I have an ego and that I have a chip on my shoulder, other people have also said this. But I don't know how I have an ego, she's said that even how I walk is egotistical, I honestly just think that she's an idiot and she has no clue what an ego even is, I think I just have alot of confidence since I do martial art, lift weights, and run and I take pride in how I look. Say what you think in your answer please and give me some pointers on how I can rid myself of my ego.




  1. Pretty hard to answer since we don't truly know you.  My guess is that since you work so hard on yourself, that you don't spend much time caring about others.  

    How about volunteering your time to help others.  I'm guessing people that know you may think you are selfish, so spending some time at a homeless shelter or offering help in other areas to the needy will broaden your spectrum a bit.  

  2. having an ego is a good thing if its in a positive way ,if you catch yourself looking at others or thinking that your better then other people because you look good or work out have a great job then your ego has to be directed up in the Heavenly Sky cuz that's were you got your looks your healthy body and mind so just remember always be humble to those around you .

  3. being that you called your mother an idiot, you obviously don't hold her in very high regard.  I think what it will take is someone that actually means something to you to know you off of your high horse.  being confident is one thing,  being cocky is another.  every one has an ego.  its just over inflated in some people.  

  4. I doubt what you're mother is saying has anything to do with the way you look or take care of yourself, it has to do with your treatment of others.  Do you sometimes make light of things that your mother (or others) thinks are important? Perhaps make other people feel small on occasion?  It may also have something to do with your age.  You seem like you're probably in your mid to late teens.  All people around this age act as if they think they have all the answers.  I know I did!  Good news: you'll probably grow out of it.  Bad news: you'll probably find it hard to get along well with others or make connections until you do.

    Good luck growing up!

  5. You have an ego problem.

    Clue 1: The disrespect to your mom.

    Clue 2: Your Yahoo Answers name is "master..."

    The fact that you asked for help here is all well and good but try and take the advice.

    To deal with your ego, try joining a charity or giving anonymously sometimes. Perhaps meditating about what you want people to think about you and how you can change your behaviour to gain that but with everyone, including your mom.

    Try also being forgiving to your mom because, wrong or right in the matter, she is your mom and it's important to care for her and be humble. It's also great practise as life requires a lot of forgiveness and patience. By the way, I had a lot of anger against my mom when I was a teen but now after some time, we are great friends. Only, try and Do no Harm, as Hypocrates said.

  6. Life will balance out your ego, and having an ego isn't necessarily a bad thing.  Doctors, lawyers, and highly successful people feed off of it when striving towards something, and you need an ego to perservere where someone who is meek would fail.  You should be able to question why things are done the way they are and be confident enough to be a professional.

    I envy you in that way, I wish mine where bigger- it would serve me well.  I'd be able to let obstacles roll off my back, forcing me to become more creative, instead of giving up.  

    So you see, having a big ego can actually be an asset, use it wisely.

    But, I wouldn't call your mom an idiot, because what does that say about you?  Intelligence is genetic, just chalk it up as a misunderstanding and keep working on yourself.


  7. When taught as in their country of origin, martial arts are one side of the coin: the other being meditation. The deadly capabilities of someone proficient in martial arts needs to be well controlled at all times, or a moment of angry lashing out can put you behind bars for life!

    In sections 2, 2.c, 11, and 2.i of my website, at I provide a number of meditative methods, which, if you practice the one you feel most comfortable with, on a daily basis, will enable you to develop a high degree of mental control, so that your ego does not get you into trouble, yet you can still be confident in your daily life. It is arrogance, and overconfidence which need to be avoided.

  8. Calling your mother an idiot, indicates not only an overinflated ego, but a terrible arrogance also.

    When people think someone has a big ego, it is always because they notice that there is  nothing there to justify that.

    Nothing is more  ridiculous then when someone prances around like a peacock just because they can beat up someone or they think they look good.

    That is not pride...that is ego.

    Put all that energy into understanding other people, learn to appreciate their achievements too no matter how "insignificant" they seem to you.

    Remember,  he who sits on the highest stoop will fall the hardest....

  9. whats your age? I am assuming teens or early 20s....

    the word ego is perceived differently by everyone, while u may think one thing she may think entirely other and as for others they may be as unknown about life as u might be.

    the fact that u are thinking about it is a great thing. keep your mind open, keep listening and analyzing whatever everyone says, don't think u will find an answer very fast or that it will be a simple one. be patient, soon enough u will find the correct thing.

    Just one word of advice during what is conventionally defined as good.

  10. First off, being a mom myself, I don't appreciate you calling your mother an idiot. That to me says that you are indeed very egotistical, that you think you are much better than her. Just because you take pride in how you look doesn't make you a great person. It's who you are inside that counts, not what's on the outside. What you need to do is to focus on other people's needs, maybe do some volunteer work.

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