
I need help going into highschool. i have a bad reputation?

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im going into high school this year and i have a bad reputation for being a boyfriend stealer and a user. i never really tried to steal anyones boyfriend but i have gone out with girls boyfriends after they broke up. i really never did anything to get this reputation and im scared going into highschool because i dont want any girls to think bad things about me and want to start trouble and i dont want any guys to think im easy. i wanna have friends and i wanna find a relationship and i dont want people hating me or thinking bad things about me. what do i do to get rid of this bad rep?




  1. dude there is someone at my school thats just like you and no one likes her cuz once someone breaks up thats who she goes after especially to her best friend. all you can do is stop dating them. idk what else to tell you cuz im always going to think the girl that goes to my school as the girl that hangs over every guy including the ones that are rebounding

  2. Basically,  jus lay off the boyfriends for a while. and talk to new people who dont even no u. i have a bad rep too. dont worry.  im goin into highschool too. first year.  and ive been known as a s**t in middle school.

  3. Don't flirt with boys who have girlfriends.

  4. Don't go out with boys who've recently broken up with their ex-girlfriends. Girls hate when an ex moves on quickly with another girl but what they (we) hate most about the situation is the girl who is with the ex!

    so stop doing that ok?

    Don't ever use a person. Oh yeah.. you'll get a reputation for that!

    stop doing those things it makes you look bad.

    Maybe even apologize!! tell them that was very immature of you and it wont happen again. ;)

  5. Prove them all wrong.  Show them who you really are and let them get to know the real you.  It may take some time, h**l, maybe a whole year, but if you show everyone that they were wrong, they will know the truth.  

  6. Well, first, I think you worry way too much.

    Second, When you get to highschool you will have the people from your original school there but you will have like 3 to 4 times that much who don't even know you, so, you'll be fine.

    good luck.

  7. You're going to have to find a way to change your outward vibe that you give to people. The girls probably dont think they way they do for no reason at all. Change the way you act around boys with girlfriends, flirt with single guys and dont go out with your friends boys if they break up. Keep you legs closed and a smile on you face... things will be fine in high school  

  8. i agree with myserty

  9. First of all, stay focused on your education!

    You will be entering a new environment and will meet many new people, be very careful about who you date because not only will these high school girls ban against you and make your high school years a living h**l, the boys will use you and you will be the joke of the school!

    When entering high school, nobody cares about your reputation because they have created their own and because you are a new student, they are already waiting to test you in many ways. Do not mess with another girls boyfriend because she will find a way to torture

    you on a daily basis and then the boy would probably end up back with her and they both will team up against you.

    play it safe and find you a boy that does not cheat or considers himself a playa because this is the kind that will get you in trouble.

    And the most important rule of all is to be safe because girls are more violent than boys these days and this is high school honey and these girls will not play around with you too much.


  10. woah. i hav the same exact problem as you! but forget about it, it doesnt matter what people think, and im sure not EVERYONE thinks about you that way. so just relax because its almost nearly impossible to get rid of your rep. but people will eventually forget or stop caring so, just relax and itll be fine.  

  11. don't fret it so much, other bigger sh*t will come along that your classmates will focus on. maybe try and find a new bf that hasnt dated anyone and see him for a while, and their perception of you will change.

  12. wait a while after the girl brakes up with the boy to go out with him

    all the other stuff is going to happen so you have to live with it and make the best of it. Get some good friends and start over

    change a little

    good luck!

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