
I need help going vegetarian!?

by  |  earlier

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I watched a movie and now i cant eat meat! The movie grossed me out to far. my parents wont let me go vegetrain unless i can find out healthy alternatives. Please help me!!!




  1. here are some vegetarian meat alternative brands:





    hot dogs and brats





    cold cuts




    ground beef






    trader joes

    health is wealth


  2. there's a lot of things vegetarians can eat; eggs,salads [w/o chicken], rice, fruits, vegatables, junk food, fries, and more

    but maybe one day your going to be over it. it's just a phase.

  3. don't worry it's only a phase and you will get over it. Go have a nice juicy steak and you will feel a lot better about meat, after all you don't want to be thin and pasty do you

  4. vegetarians p**p all the time because of the fiber!

  5. nuts, and tofu will be your protien source.

    you will miss nothing else beecause everything else you need is in fruits and veggies.

    get a tofu cookbook , it a wonderful alternative to meat.  also try soy cheese and boca burgers. yum!!!!!!

  6. It's pretty difficult to start right off, being a vegetarian. I'm a pescetarian, and I'm going to drop fish soon, but it's really hard to just plain stop. Buttt, if you're willing to try, then there are a lot of things you can eat. I eat a lot of the Boca/Morningstar foods, they have a lot of protein and fiber. Plus, you need to be taking some fiber vitamins, even those gummibear ones work (they taste great, too!) Dairy is a big thing, too. You lose a lot of protein by dropping meat from your diet. So, for breakfast, be eating things like a lot of yogurt and milk. Eggs are good, too. Hope I helped! =)

  7. I tried to become a vegetarian for a while and I couldn't do it - I had no problem with not eating meat - like steak or chicken or whatever - it was things like sandwich meat that I couln't give up.  There are a lot more meat dishes to give up than most people realize.  What about hot dogs? you would never get to have another hot dog.  Think about what kind of pizza you eat? Unless you only eat veggie pizzas or cheese pizzas that will have to change.  You should give it a lot of thought and research it well before going vegetarian.

    Being a vegetarian is a difficult path to follow.  It takes a lot of effort on your part and you have to ask yourself if you are ready for that kind of responsibility.  If after researcing it further you really feel this is the right thing for you - then ask your parents if they will allow you to do it for one month and that will give you ta chance to try it out and will show them that you are able to handle it.

    Here are some websites about vegetarianism:

  8. Hey.

    Many people worry that when they stop eating meat and fish, they might be in danger of some nutritional deficiency. This is not the case as all the nutrients you need can easily be obtained from a vegetarian diet. In fact research shows that in many ways a vegetarian diet is healthier than that of a typical meat-eater.

    There are plenty of alternatives for meat, here are some: - This site is good, its a brand of vegetarian meat substitutes, they do things like veggie burgers, veggie sausages, veggie chicken, veggie pasties, veggie pies and loads more. It is also a much more healthier option than meat. - This is another brand of vegetarian and vegan substitutes, and they taste great, they do a wide range of foods, such as healthy vegetarian ready meals, tofu, veggie burgers etc. - This is a good site, that do a good range of vegetarian substitutes. - Amy's does a wide range of food such as veggie pizza, veggie burgers, veggie pies, veggie ready meals, veggie pocket sandwich's and loads more great foods, and they're quite healthy to. - Another great site that do really great vegetarian food.

    You might find this quite useful:

    Good luck.

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