
I need help hooking up my dvd recorder, tv and cable box together!?

by  |  earlier

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I had it hooked up once before but I get confused with the yellow/red/white wire (I don't even know what it's called!) I have the cable box hooked up to work with the tv, i just need them to all work together!




  1. The red/yellow/white cable is called an RCA cable.

    Do you have the instructions that came with your recorder?  I have a Panasonic recorder, and their instructions worked perfectly to connect the three.  If not, you can probably find them on your manufacturer's website.

    Basically, your cable box gets plugged into your DVD recorder.  The recorder needs to be plugged into the TV as well.  I strongly recommend that you look at your instruction manual though.

  2. First you need to take the cable coming from your wall and plug it in to your cable box in the plug that says in. Then you get another cable and plug it into the out plug. Then plug the other end into your dvd recorder. Then put the right wires in the colored slots and hook up to your tv.

    Hope I helped!

    P.s   red=audio 2    white=basic audio    yellow=video

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