
I need help? i disappointed my dad again.

by  |  earlier

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its kinda a long story. but when i was younger i was sexually abused by two men when i was thirteen. now I'm sixteen, and ive so promiscuous. ive slept around and i did drugs and i keep getting caught by my parents. today i my dad caught me having s*x with a boy in my basement. everytime i get caught i get upset and i promise myslef im gonna be different. but i keep doing the same things and i want to change. i struggle with depression and i just want to be a happy good kid. any ideas as how to be happy and stop doing the things im doing? i know i sound like a baby but i really have no idea what to do.




  1. You need to stop this behavior because you are looking at a very unhappy future otherwise. Either you will get pregnant, herpes, or some other STD. You will also never have a nice boyfriend that respects you and the same for your friends. They will just use you. First of all you need to change your appearance, light makeup, new hairstyle, no boys, get busy in school doing well, join clubs, and just be a new person. You can overcome this if you try. If you don't try, you will be doomed to an unhappy life. Try.

  2. Find a good counselor and go with your family regularly. Tell them what you've told us.

  3. it is not a crime to have s*x, especially at 16. however: rehab may be the best answer for the drugs thing. especially if you are physically addicted. also, realize that the drugs can't help you at all. as for s*x, try and find a good person who adores you. try to have a real relationship instead of a physical fling. s*x is fine, but it's much smarter to do it with someone who loves you, and you love as well. but whenever you do have s*x, keep it private. basements are a bad idea.  

  4. ok  sooo i see you have a problem, number one on your list is to get help for your depression, you need medicine for that, next why you sleeping around?? you know nobody can pressure you into having s*x, the abusing thing doesn't count because you were young, but now that you're older its not like someone can pressure you into doing it, so it seems like you're wanting to have s*x, don't do it, don't invite a boy over, in fact, don't get too close with guys, don't go to too many parties, and stay sober!! im probably sounding really mean but thats because im really against adolescent drinking, and im REALLY against premarital s*x, you can wear a purity ring if you want like for example (i dunno if you like them but theyre the only ones who have them) the jonas brothers, they promise not to have s*x until they are married, and stay away from alcohol, you're not being strong enough, you don't have to drink in fact you dont have to do anything you don't want to, its a mind over matter, btw your dad catching you, how embarassing i would like freak if my dad ever caught me doing something like that, next, if you REALLY want to change - go to church, im not joking, literally forget your past and just go to church, i go to church, lol one of the reasons im against premarital s*x but if you wanna be a good girl you gotta give your life to God, and you have to live by God's rules, i know it seems like its asking for too much, but you have to change, best of luck to you

  5. get counseling! I'm not being crappy either. I sincerely mean that, you obviously need alot of help and a counselor can help you.  

  6. start with talking to your dad. and get him to help you find a counselor.   with his support for strengh and some counseling and prayer you can change your behavior and overcome the depression.

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