
I need help i have to take care of three babys tips please

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hey im just 19 and i need help please guys please before saturday




  1. Without knowing ages and such all I can say is make sure your prepared for everything. Always have food ready, keep toys and passies close at hand, and make sure diapers and wipes are always in reach. It will be hard but try to keep them all occupied. If they have a favortie toy that helps. They get bored pretty quickly though so have multiple toys to switch them out when they start getting bored and give them a new one. I got pregnant at 19 and had my son at 20 so I know what its like to have babies aound at your age.

    The bigges thing to remember and this is so important trust me, is to keep cool and calm. If you start to freak out and stress they are going to feel that and it makes them get stressed too which can make a bad situation worse if they are already screaming. Make sure they get their needs met as fast as you can and stay calm and you will be fine. Also be flexible, babies rule when your with them, you wont even get a vote unless they are sleeping so just follow thier lead and what makes them happy and calm.

  2. Wow what are their ages?

    Babies eat very often (every 2-3 hours) and need changing just as often.

    If they are fussy try to burp them, change them, hold them in your arms and gently bounce them, put them in their swing, rock them, or feed them.

    The parents should have a pretty detailed plan on what needs to happen and when..

  3. If your so inexperienced why are you taking on not one but THREE babies???

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