
I need help i just bought a bunny i need the supplies to get it what should i get?

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also should i put my bunny Oreo with my female hamster? my oreo isnt that big its a little baby?




  1. well others got the just of it but you really need something for them to chew on. There teeth continue to grow throughout there life and if not maintained they can cause some serious damage.

  2. no no hamster and bunny!!! the hamster will kill it

    #1 food (and lots of it!!!)

    #2food bowl ( get 2 just in case you misplace one or the other)

    #3wood chippings

    #4 a bunny hutch

    #5 a water bottle the little ones hamsters drink out of

    now have fun with youre bunny

  3. Probably a hutch (if you have room) or a cage, food, food/water dishes, vegetable that it likes, bedding for the cage and maybe some toys. NO HAMSTER! That might not be a good idea because they are different species. We have rabbits and peacocks close together and the peacock actually kept attacking the bunny when she got into their pen.

  4. hmmm, well I've had bunnies for a while now. Get a cage, food, hay, water bowl or a water bottle for rabbits, and pets like that they sell those in the pet section at most stores. It depends on how aggressive or not aggressive your hamster is. If you let them smell each other for a few minutes a day and watch how they act around each other and if they get along since the bunny is still a baby that might work out. My rabbit is house trained(like a cat he uses a litter box) and when I live with my parents we had a dog and a cat and they all just loved each other. They would cuddle together, play together. And my dad has a rabbit now as well who gets along wonderful with the dog and the rabbit even refuses bunny food now and wants to share to doggy food with him. They left out for hours everyday together and just love each other so much. So it really just depends on how your pets react to each other.

  5. You need food, food bowl, water bowl, treats, wood chew sticks, treats, alfalfa hay/timothy hay, other treats/toy/food/items.

    No on the hamster and bunny. The bunny would likely stomp on it. They do stomp.

  6. Of course not. It could scare your rabbit and they'd fight.


  7. - cage

    - food

    - water bottle

    - bedding (try soft-sorbent bedding, its good)

    - plastic igloo (for hiding)

    - treats (chew toys, yogurt drops, etc..)

  8. Not sure about putting them in together, that might be a problem, I wouldn't but just really don't know!

    As far as what you need for bunny, (I used to have 2)  I went down to the feed store (or pet store) and get my supplies! Water bottles for the cage and if not in a cage water dishes, bunny food( looks like little pellets)  LOL so does there p**p!  You can also give them fresh lettuce carrots!  You need to keep their cages clean, like every day because if you don't they will stink!

    Good luck with your bunny!  Cheers!

    Opps almost forgot you need either hay or something for the bottom of the cage!  Check with your local pet store even better your local feed store for more supplies you may need! Cheers!

  9. a hutch feed water bottle a run food bowl

    sawdust / woodchip straw hay toys a secure garden a friend for it to play with? NOT a hamster

    why did you buy a rabbit without any supplies?

    hamsters and rabbits are completely different one will kill the other don't do it !

  10. Well for starting out heres what youll need.

    A cage

    water bottle/but most rabbits like drinking outts a bowl =)

    food/such as pellets maybe some fruits or vegies of your own

    Timothy hay/alfalfa hay.No shavings because its bad for them they can get cysts in there mouth if it sticks them

    But if you really love them and care for them youll need

    A hutch

    rabbit run

    plenty of room.

    maybe a garden lol.

    Do not put your hamster in there if you really love it,Otherwise the they might get in a fight.You hamster will be scared and theres a good chance the hamster might bite it and the rabbit might kick it or stomp it.

  11. NO hamster and bunny together and a house, a cage, a food bowl, food, hay, water dish or perferably a water bottle, toys, and litter small animal litter not cat litter.

  12. You will need:

    -A cage at least four times the size your bunny will be when it is grown, high enough or her to stand up in

    -Bedding for the cage- not any type of shavings: use recycled paper or some kind of rabbit litter

    -Litter pan to put in the corner of the cage while litter training-fill with litter and also place some hay in the corner to attract your rabbit

    -later water bottle

    -alfalfa hay until six months old, then switch to timothy hay gradually (hay should always be fed in unlimited quantities)

    -good quality pellets (should be fed in limited amounts per day)

    -strong bowl for pellets

    -some sort of hiding place in the cage where your rabbit can crawl into to feel safe

    -harness for going to the vet or going outside

    -toys-paper towel tubes, cardboard, cat toys, etc.

    -cat clippers for nails

    -wire brush

    -hay rack

    Rabbits should not be housed with any other animal. Even a small one could deliver a powerful kick that could instantly kill a hamster or guinea pig, even acccidentally, not to mention completely different diets. Good Luck!

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