
I need help! i need someone to join the navy THIS WEEK. i have to have names to my SR. Chief.?

by Guest44977  |  earlier

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I need someone to go into the navy this week...if you live in TN, that would be helpful, but if not, i can still help you out. either E-mail me at, or go right to my recruiter by calling 1-931-212-9986. his name is Jeremy Jones...Tell him DEP recruit Seth sent you. thank you very much!




  1. OMG! if that's not scraping the bottom of the barrel for recruits I'll eat my hat! Who on God's earth thought that one up! recruits recruiting recruits! Bush, you've got a lot to answer for! lol.

  2. Wheeliebin,

    Programs where DEP Recruits get others to enlist and receive a higher initial paygrade in return have existed since at least 1995.

    That makes your attempt to blame President Bush for this policy an emotional, vice logical, response. If you had used logic and research instead of emotion (as your profile blurb says you like to do), you would have easily discovered that fact.

    But then again, Liberals would try to pin the blame for WW II on President Bush if they thought they could get away with it.

  3. im to fat sorry. they said i have to lose more weight/inches  

  4. I would love to help you however I served my time in h**l!!

  5. Why don't you tell them about the money you'll get for having them do this?


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