
I need help i went to the doctor and still don't have a answer ?

by  |  earlier

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i have been to doctors and still do not have an answer . i had a tubal 6 years ago and i have not had a menstrual since June 8,2008 i have took home pg test and the doctor took a pee test and it was nev. and i don't know what to do i am still hurting and i still do not know way they never took blood or did a ultrasound or any thing i don,t know what to do now . i have a rear blood type and have to have a shot if i am pg. if some one could help i would be very happy thank you




  1. go back to the doctor, and demand an ultra sound and blood test. change doctor if you have to. good luck

  2. The likely hood that you are pregnant after a tubal is extremely low.  It is possible to be, and it is also possible to have a negative urine test and then still be pregnant, but this is also unlikely.  

    I would recommend that if you are concerned, that you demand a blood test.  Sometimes doctors tend to forget that they actually work for us.  You are well within your rights to make such a demand.

    If you don't get any results, you can always go to the ER.  Not the most effective treatment, but they do act quickly.  They usually do an ultra sound right away and they take blood.

    Good Luck.

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