I have noticed these 2 big black bugs flying around the front of my yard and going into the grass. They are about an inch or so long as far as I can see, they are all black and they go into the grass(or dirt) at night. I normally wouldn't care but my husband is deathly allergic to wasps and bees, one sting could possibly put him in the hospital. When I walk outside on the side walk a good 8 to 12 inches from their nest they come out and if they are already out the like dive down at you. I have never seen any more just these 2 of them.
If it helps I live in Iowa, i have several types of plants in my yard...but not near the nest...the ones closest to where the nest are : Daffodils, Evergreen Bush, i have a small rose bush.(that wont bloom lol) and several others along the side and back of my house...i have no idea what they are.they were here when we moved in.
Any idea what these are? How do I get rid of them?