
I need help identifying a fish. It looks like a mix between a shrimp and a worm and acts like a shrimp?

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Okay I live on Lockwood Folly River in North Carolina. The water is fresh and saltwater mixed (brackish). And I'm always coming in contact with this parasitic looking creature, whenever I'm dealing with the bait trap, cast net, etc.

It looks like a river-shrimp. Just really skinny. It's body shape is like a worm, but it the shell, the head, and all it's features except body shape, is just like a river-shrimp. It's about 3.5 to 4.5 inches long. Out of the water it wiggles around and jumps around like a shrimp.

Personally it looks like a parasite and whenever I come in contact with it. I try not to let it get close to any part of my body and I try to knock it back into the water with a stick or something.

Really I just need a name, so I can google it and find out some information about it. Like is it dangerous, can I use it as bait for fishing, a trap, or anything. But I just need a simple name.

Thanks for your time.




  1. its a freshwater shrimp. they hang out in the floors from shores to deep parts of the water. i go bait hunting with a pool cleaning net with a long staff catch them nearly every time, their very good for both fresh & salt water game fish. if they too small for the fish to see it try to hook a couple of the in a hook.good luck:-)

  2. Hellgrammite

  3. could it be a freshwater crayfish or crawfish

  4. It is definitely a crawfish or crawdad..however u pronounce it. Great bait for bass fishing and definitely not harmful. It is actually a delicacy down south in some places and if I'm correct there is only one day a year open for crawfish capturing for the annual feast.

  5. you may want to look these up

    1) alderfly

    2) scuds

    3) mud shrimp

    4) kaspic flea lobster

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