
I need help identifying some African artifacts.?

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I bought some old arrow or spear points from a Moroccan dealer at a gem and mineral show. They are about 5 inches long and made of different kinds of smoothed stone (not obsidian or chert). They are very smooth and stylistically formed, and there is no sign of knapping like you would see on a real tool. They were in amongst neolithic grinders and axes. I think they are ceremonial but there is nothing like them in Google images. I hope somebody knows what they could be. They could be 1000s of years old because some have a sign of desert patina. They don't seem very practical, so it might just be tourist junk but I don't think so.




  1. Why not take them to a university and have professionals apraise them.

  2. Try contacting your local university in the Anthropology department.  They might be able to identify for you.  If not, contact the Archeology Dept. at Stony Brook University and ask for Dr. Shea.  He is an expert on stone tools from Africa and the Middle East.

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