
I need help im gona be homeless

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ive lived with my bf for 3 years. and now we have split up im so upset i have nowere to go iant gt a job. as im nt legalage to work yet and ma mum n dad died in a car crash last year dont no what do do. im gonna be homeless tomo




  1. if that is true then you either need to tell the police and they can help you or you need to talk to someone else in your family...i mean what happend to your parents house? not to even minchin that if you set your self up like that living with your bf then yeah thats bound to happen sorry....=[

  2. Why the f did you rely on your boyfriend for 3 years anyways. I'm pretty sure you have a few relatives left. You're mother and father didn't grow up by themselves. Good luck.

  3. if you have friend maybe you can stay with them until u get a job to get to ur own apartment if that doesnt work there r lots of shelters you can go to .  

  4. i'm sure you have other family members that can take you in until you find a place

    Or even talk to ur bf and ask him if you can stay until you find another place.

    I'm sure he doesnt want you to be homeless

  5. do you not have any other relatives?  

    if not, go to the Social Walefare office and ask them what to do.  There are some homes in some areas for young girls who do not have a place to live, and will help you get your education, and a job and get on your feet.

  6. try a shelter until u get back on your feet

    or ask him/her if you can stay until you get back on your feet

    or try asking friends for a place to stay

  7. Homeless isn't bad. My friend was homeless in Seattle and in a few months made friends and got on his feet!

    Start in the rave scene. Find the PLUR ravers. They'll help you.

    Where do you live?

    If you need someone to talk email is E-mail me whenever you like.

  8. If you aren't legal age to work, how are you legal age to live with a boyfriend?

    You can go to a homeless shelter. You can find the locations for ones in your city on the internet, which you obviously have.

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