
I need help im only 13 and might be pregnant?

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well, im not with the guy that ihad s*x with. but he is 16 and it wasnt my first time but i missed my peroid im 3 weeks late..... when your prego do you have your period? and also, how should i tell him, and my parents, i go to a very nice private school??!! i really need some help!!!




  1. When you are pregant you do not get your period. But the best way I hate to tell you is to tell your parents they colud help you out alot. Like they could hep you break the news to the boy. Good luck!

  2. you really need to tell someone...


  3. I'm sorry to say Yes you could be pregnant and if you had unprotected s*x then I would do a test asap.

    But at 13 you really are to young to be having s*x and its not something I would want to be bragging about.

    private school or not if your going about having unprotected s*x then your asking for BIG trouble.

  4. Maybe you should stop having s*x until you obtain your education???

    Just a suggestion :)

  5. no you dont have your period when you're "preggo"

    you sound pregnant take a test. you're 13 i think you sound nasty he wasn't even your first eww. sorry just expressing my opinion free speech you know.

  6. try getting a pregnancy test...if u missed ur period by 3 weeks..then that could be a very big sign...

  7. Youre having s*x and dont even knows what happens when you get pregnant????You want to know what to do? Ill tell ya- ACT YOUR AGE. 13 year olds dont need to be having s*x. If your pregnant its gonna suck for you. I suggest you take a test somehow, doesnt have to be an expensive one (Mine were from Walmart, store brand and they worked) and TELL YOUR MOTHER. Dont worry about the punishment you may be in for. Start using your brains and kepp your legs closed. If you have a crappy home life and dont think you can tell your parents then find a family member to tell that can help you and guide you to make the right decision. REMEMBER you arent just s******g with YOUR life anymore. If I were you I would be sooo embarassed to put this on the internet.

  8. okay i think you should tell him and he can take you and buy one of each pregnatsy test (its better to make sure). no you dont get your period. and do your parents know your not a virgin?. well anyways is the all the sticks say positive tell your parents and if they say negative dont tell them anything and if they all say different stuff go with your instincs. well good luck.

  9. Under most circumstances, your menstrual cycle stops when you're pregnant (only in rare cases do you continue to have your period when pregnant).  You need to talk to your parents as soon as possible, and get a pregnancy test done.  You made the decision to have s*x.  Now you have to deal with the consequences of that.  If you were adult enough to sleep with someone, you're adult enough to tell your parents the truth.

  10. Well if you had s*x there is a good chance you may be pregnant being 3 weeks late, ecspecially if your periods have been pretty regular. First thing you should do is to find out if your pregnant. You can do this by getting a home pregnancy test to take or going to your local health clinic or Planned Parenthood clinic and they can test you. If you are pregnant, it is very important that you tell your parents ASAP. You will need all the support you can get. If you have a close female adult family member or friend maybe it will be easier to tell them first and then have them go with you to tell your mom and dad together. They will be very upset at first but that does not mean they hate you....they are just going to be dissappointed. As for the 16 year old, I would let your parents deal with him because he had no business sleeping with a 13 year old girl!!! They will probably want to see about getting a lawyer for child support, etc. from him.

    In the future you really shouldn't be sleeping with anyone right now. You are still a kid yourself!

  11. Hey. I'm 14.

    && well One time i thought i was pregnate.

    I didn't start my period for 2 months.

    && boy it was so scary!! i swear i would think about it every second of the day.

    But then again i've only had s*x with one guy && i wouldnt do it with others. Cause me && My boyfriend have been together for awhile.

    My boyfriend would be there for me though if i ever got pregnant but since this guys not even your boyfriend that can be a little tough. First off.

    I WOULD NOT TELL YOUR PARENTS! Not until your sure.

    You wouldnt want them to Flip if you really arn't

    I suggest either having an older friend take you to Target or any store to go buy a test. Some are real cheap like 7-10 bucks. Then take it. && if its negative then wait anther few weeks and if no luck by then take anther one.

    But if it says positive. Then Your going to have to tell your parents eventually. && even think about starting to use protectin. You can go to Plan Parenthood and i think it's free.

    I wish you the best of luck!

  12. I don't think anyone here should be judging this girl! We have all made mistake and will continue to make mistakes until we die. Now for you I am not going to try and give you a lecture becuase right now your hormones are crazy and your are not going to take it the way I intend for it to be.

    You need to go to the doctor and get a test. You could go to your schools nurse or have your parents take you in for a physical. The doctor is not obligated to tell your parents anything about your medical condition. However if I were you I would find out first and if I am then I would tell my parents if I were. If you are your body is going to change and there will be some how things that is going to happen to you that needs to be monitored by a doctor.

    Next I would sit down with my parents and make a grown up decision about what do do with the baby next. You could consider adpotion. Which would allow the baby to go to a great family and live a happy life. Or you could keep it. However being 13 you can not get a job you have to consider going to school, feeding the child... You will have to be your parents and at that age the odds are stcked up against you to pull it off, especially since growning up is all about life experiences.

    Whatever you choose please, please, please try and mature just enough to make the right decision and allow your parent to help you make your first decision as a parent.

    Good Luck!

  13. no you dont get a period when your pregnant. Blood usually means somethinig bad when your pregnant. YES tell your parents, they will know what to do and how to help more than people on here.

  14. if you dont know the facts of life, then you shouldnt be having s*x and your 'very nice private school' and your parents are not doing a good job at teaching you about s*x and its consequences.

    Go back to school and enjoy being a CHILD - that is what you are.

    Before you say im putting down young mums.... im not, I was a young mum. I had my twins at 17 and another child at 19, but i knew exactly what I was doing and I knew what would happen.

  15. sound prego to me. good luck telling your parents and him. dont expect much help from the guy. sorry

  16. i thought i was having bad day

  17. First try taking a Pregency test before telling your parents, if its negitive you dont need to tell them because they will get mad, if its postitve GO TO YOUR PARENTS AND TELL THEM HOW DUMB YOU WERE TO HAVE s*x WITH A 16 YEAR OLD BEFORE I KILL YOU.  Right anyway your 13, not a good choice to have s*x , because you think its cool or anything , because when u get preg at that age, its not cool

  18. well where ever it is you live i am sure they have free clinics where they will give you a free preg test to make sure because you want to make sure before you tell anyone and break any hearts :) so maybe you should investigate that first!

  19. sounds like you've got a problem

    especially since you're still a child yourself

    if you're 3 weeks late and didn't use a condom (stupid) then you're probably pregnant

    you do not have your period when you're pregnant

    sorry, but you made a very very poor decision so you get to face telling your parents.


  20. Planned parenthood gives out free condoms. Guess its too late for you. But I think sound judgement was never in the cards for you anyway.

    Your life is ruined. Enjoy.

  21. Well first off why you having s*x and your only 13? You are still just a kid! No you do not get your period. I say that you should tell your parents first and then you guys can tell the guy. Go to the store and get a pregnancy test and if you are pregnant then go to the doctor. Good Luck!

  22. i would totally just tell your parents and then go buy a pregnency test.

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