
I need help... im scared...

by  |  earlier

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my whole life i've seen things... not on a regular basis but like 2 times a year since i was 6... now its worse... im 14... the last four nights i haven't been able to sleep... i keeps seeing murders in my room... my parents are the room next to me... i screamed about 5 times.. i knew i screamed b/c my dog and cat looked at me and my throat hurts... my parents said they did not here me... my dad said he was up most of the night and didn't hear me... i saw a woman being murdered in my room.. he put her in my closet. i saw it. i felt the wind from my door opening... i know it wasn't a dream... my dog even looked... now I'm freaking out... i got to sleep around 5:30... he came in my room around six ... i screamed when i saw him.. my cat and dog looked but he said didn't here me... today my phone kept going dead and calls kept coming in on it... unknown name and number... i pick up and i hear a scream... then the line goes dead... i tried telling my parents but they are saying its just my imagination... its not... i KNOW its not.. they said if i dont stop wasting their time they are gonna ground me for the rest of the summer...




  1. are you taking any medication?

  2. You probably have a haunted house. Something

    might have happened in that room before you lived there. Your parents should NOT be acting like that. Maybe you should see a Dr about your problem.

  3. why would they ground you for that. you might need a therpist if you hear on the news about a lady being murdered then you really have a problem you need to make your parents listen too you.

  4. that's sounds so scary!!! i think that u might be having a little mental problem, like maybe u see people that aren't really there. go 2 ur doctor.  

  5. tell ur parents that ur dead serious, and don't stop until you can convince them to take you to a therapist. even if they ground u, keep trying to convince them. this is really serious, and a therapist can really help.  

  6. I do believe you, however I am not going to deny the fact that you need to tell somebody other than your parents of your situation. I believe a G.P. is a good approach as they have much training in the field of seeing things. They can refer you to somebody who will listen to you without being judgemental. You need somebody who believes you as clearly your parents do not and it must be so frustrating for you to more or less be told to 'shut it' as you are 'apparantly' wasting their time. you need your voice to be heard by the right people. Forget 'stigmas' associated. Thats what a load of narrow minded people say.

    Good Luck  

  7. Oh wow sort of shite man

    your crazy

  8. stop trying for attention ur gettin nowhere, i really doubt this has been happening to u.  ur trying to convince urself that this is true

  9. Talk with your school guidance counselor or ask your parents if you can see a therapist. It sounds like you're having very strong nightmares, and those can be terribly scary. They can definitely seem real, but if your dog didn't bark like crazy, your parents didn't hear hear you scream, and there was not a dead woman in your room, then it's most likely anxiety. Anxiety can be caused by other things going on in your life. Are you nervous about the new school year? Are you worried about making friends? Is someone mad at you? Did you see a horror movie or read a terrible news story? Try to figure out what's worrying you so much, because that's what you need to deal with. It's other worries that are making your dreams seem very real. Obviously, you did not see a murder because there was not a dead woman in your closet!  

  10. go 2 the local mental health center they might be able 2 help u through ur problem they may possible prescribe u some meds that might ease u n help u go 2 sleep

                                               HOPED I HELPED

  11. OMG that sounds like there are ghosts in your room! i feel bad.

  12. Don't take this the wrong way but there's a chance that you may have paranoid schizophrenia.  Try to talk to your parents about seeing a counselor or psychologist to find out exactly what the problem is and to find the best course of treatment.  

    By the way, don't feel bad.  It's not your fault.  

  13. make an excuse to visit ur grandma, aunt, unclem etc.. make the excuse, ( i feel bad for them and want  to help them around the house, i think maybe u guys r rite, maybe im going crazy, i guess i need some time off and go with ( insert persons name here) try to sleep over there and c if the same things happen there.

    if the excuses work, take a video camcorder, a cell phone that can take pics or vids, maybe a camera, any thing that can capture proof of what u c, also, try to read the bible EVERY night, wear a holy cross, and go to church more often, try to get in more contact with god instead of doing nothing, the less u do with god, the closer u get to the devil.



  14. Quit sleeping in your room! See if it happens in your livingroom

  15. Dea-  

    You need some help.  Whether it's your imagination or not, it is obviously something that is disturbing you.  Besides, it is NOT normal to go to bed at 5:30 on a regular basis.

    Talk to your parents again and ask them to take you to see your family doctor.  Tell him about your experiences and ask for a referral to a mental health professional.

    If your parents don't have insurance, ask a counselor at school (you're probably going back to school in a couple of weeks, right?) The counselor should be able to help you find low-cost or no-cost help in your area.  

    Good luck.

  16. What you're describing is really serious. You need to convince your parents to take you to a therapist, or wait a couple weeks until you go to school, and see a counselor if they won't take you seriously.

    You shouldn't need to suffer like this, and I'm sorry your parents won't listen. You can email me if you like.

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