
I need help im trying to have a baby?

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ive been tryin tohave a baby foe 8 months what are some methonds i can do to get pregnant easier ive been off b.c for almost 2 months ive been on it since i was 13 im now 19 so yea? i dunno! ive been ryin nothin happening?




  1. everyone was very judgemental... she could have been put on BC because of a hormonal issue... i was when i was 14. And even if it where for being sexually active at least she was taking the correct procautions for contraception. It would be a lot worse if she was 13 year old girl on this forum pregant and scared confused on what to do. I would suggest going to your doctor and discussing it with them. After eight months of unsuccessful attempts my husband and i went to the gyno and i was put on Clomid. It worked for me. Try to stay positive! Goodluck

  2. i guess fertility pill can help you out.. visit your OB and ask for it... why you use BC pill at 13?

  3. (its because of the b.c. you took)i think you should try having the-you-know-what like a day after you finish your period, try to stay in bed with with your partner as long as you can. and of course do not use condoms. good luck!!!

  4. Since you've been on birth control for so long that's more than likely what's keeping you from becoming pregnant. I was on birth control for 6 years and didn't get pregnant for almost a year after being off of it (and when I did I had twins) haha. Women typically ovulate 14 days after their last period so I would definitely make sure to have s*x around there if you want to increase your chances of conceiving. Good luck!

  5. it's probably because of ur b.c.. My friend was on bc for 5 years and it took her 2 years to have a bbaby after the bc. Try taking pre-natal vitamins. My obgyn told me to do that when I was trying for my 2nd.

  6. get an ovulation test at walmart and it will tell u the best time to have s*x so u can get pregnant

  7. You don't seem smart enough to have a baby. Go to school and learn how to spell before you bring a child into this world. And which parent allows their child to be on birth control at the age of 13?? That's ridiculous.

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