
I need help in 7th grade!?

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heyy guys is the story!

ok i am 12 years old (please dont tell me i am to young because my mom alows me on here) my elementry school goes from kindergarden to 6th grade. we dont have a middle school but instead we go to a JR./S.R high school. It is all new to us and the school is sooooo big! so they have an orientation to show you where everything is. they split the times up by alphabetical order. A-K L-Z i only have about 4 good friends. only 1 goes the same time as me. this girl is my friend but i am getting to know her a little better. she has other friends also. but, anyways, i was so nervous! we have an atotouriam (i cannot spell that word for my life!) and i walk in we get kids from another school also, so i didnt know them. i was really nervous evryone was looking at me....i hade to sit next to two boys my friends wernt there and everyone thought i had no friends AND I HATE THE PoPULAR *****S

its just not fun...everyone starting with the stupid groups at the lunch tabel (because we hade lunch there to) iam soo lost not knowing where to sit! or can someone give me some really good advice on what to do?? it took me forever to type this so please give me good ansers

i fit in fine....abercrombie,hollister ETC

but no boys like me, i want them to sooo this is my comparison chart..


loud quiet in school but loud w/friends

lots of makeup

(eyeliner,mascara,eyeshadow) little mascara, blended eyeshad,lipglos

big b***s small b***s

boyfriends no boyfriend :(

tons of friends a few friends

and more but why do the guys like those type of girls???? i just dont get it someone please HELP me i have been so down and stuff about myself :( just help




  1. dude your a little kid.

    Who cares about being popular? Or 'cool' believe it or not most 'popular' people (not all, just some kinds) grow up to be messed UP. Stay innocent. And if you wanna wear hollister, straighten your hair, and pound makeup on your face then go ahead. But Im telling you it is much more fun, and better to stay innocent, concentrate on your studies, and have good, fun, friends.

    Best of luck!

  2. You are to young( I am not your mother you see) But seriously, you go to school with hundreds of other children and you think they are all staring at you? It is known that kids your age could be very self conscious while going through  this transition, we all went through this, and we all had and may still have things we don't like about ourselves, but we learn not to be bother by them, that there are other things much more important. Decide what those things are for you, and focus in obtaining them, whether this are intellectual or physical. Look inwards and take care of yourself first, and the rest will take care of it self eventually. Finally, if you are in 7th grade and you write like that, you have bigger problems to worry about.

  3. well im in 9th grade yea im a fresh man but ok guy dont like sluty chick or girl all over them it make  them look bad in dont forget some guy just wanna hit in when your in high skool in dating u dont wanna kiss a girl who gave1 bj  

  4. Don't pay attention to that first answer. He doesn't understand girls.

    Here's the thing... since you are new to this school, and new people you don't know are coming in, you will probably make new friends. You may even be "popular"... Jr. High is when EVERYTHING changes. You may not have many friends now, I only had a few in elementary school but by 7th grade I made tons of new friends. Wait until you meet people in your classes or through the friends you already have.

    And you will probably catch the attention of some boys, whether you wear lots of makeup and have big b***s or not. In middle school I was flat chested and wore no make up but I had 2 or 3 boyfriends. Not every guy cares about stuff like that.

    Good luck, and try to RELAX and have fun. You might feel alone the first few days but just put yourself out there and people will invite you to sit with them and hang out and stuff.

  5. I started middle school in sixth grade.  I was really lost at first, sitting by myself at lunch, but within a week I located some of my old friends and now, in eighth grade, I still sit with the same group.  It's just a matter of making friends and keeping them.

    Why do you hate the popular girls so much?  Do you even know them personally?  I don't know about your school, but most of the "popular" girls at my school are really nice, and not all of them are totally attractive.

    Don't worry your head off about boys yet.  I know only three girls in my grade who have boyfriends.  It's not such a big thing in middle school.

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