
I need help in Algebra II. We have to solve the problem by writing a compound inequality. Help?

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A Baker needs between 40 lb and 50 lb of a flour - sugar mixture that contains ten times as much flour as sugar. What are the possible weights of flour the baker can use?

Help now, would be appreciated.




  1. Let s and f be the weights of sugar and flour in the mixture. Then we can write an expression for the total weight of the mixture: s + f. Also, we know that f = 10s or s = f/10. Now, we can rewrite s + f as f/10 + f = 11f/10, and insert it into a compound inequality:

    40 ≤ 11f/10 ≤ 50

    400/11 ≤ f ≤ 500/11

    So, the baker needs between 36.36 and 45.45 pounds of flour.

  2. pretty much anything unless there's a certain amount of sugar

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