
I need help in bed, can you help?

by  |  earlier

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Okay, I need some help. I have been trying for 3 months and I cant get anything out of my boy friend. I ike having s*x like 3-4 times a week but he just doesn't seem to be interested in me at all. I have tried everything! I like to think that I am a cute girl/woman (find my pic on my yahoo profile if you need to see). I just don't get it and does anyone have any ideas that might help me!!




  1. He's probably g*y and I think you have tried long enough.  Dump him now!

  2. try doing a little foreplay just tease him mess with his neck, lower back, ears, obliques (muscles near the waistband) that should get him in the mood more often

  3. squeeze his p***s really harder

  4. Have you tried hot underwear? Haha...I know it sounds lame. Maybe he's tired, does he work a lot? Or maybe he's having performance anxiety issues. It could have nothing to do with you at all, so don't take it personally. Talk to him and see how he feels.

  5. got a cute sister?

  6. Some dudes have a low s*x drive.  But honestly I hate to say this but you simply have to ask him.  If he it's worst case scenario and he really isn't in to you, you can ditch him and find another fish whose s*x drive matches your own.

  7. Either your guy is g*y or asexual or has been doing the nasty with other women but whatever the case say, "bye bye," to loser BF or you'll be dumped at some point. He's up to something and it is not in your favor.

  8. well let him do wat ever he wants 2 u let him be creative  

  9. Ah=hun.

    Another fat sweaty guy in a diry t=shirt, or an ignorant girl.

    You pick.

  10. maybe your boyfriend is g*y.

  11. Get a hornier boyfriend.

  12. sounds like it's on his end not yours,maybe he's stressed out or just has alot on his mind.Have you tried talking to him about it?Good luck  

  13. Aha-Aha-aha

    Maybe your not good?!?!

    Uh Duh Girlfriend!

  14. ask him what he wants?

    then give him what he wants...

    Try new things, eventually he will come knocking

    and if he don't, hate to say it, but he might have already found someone else or has moved on... (cause if he don't want to, then he is knocking someone else up and that could be why. This could be a result of what your getting, and he is keeping it a secret.  Just my honest opinion.

    Hope things get better for you in bed,


  15. suck his c**k untill he c ums and then have really loud orgasims!  and ***** him hard!

  16. Just start having a random conversation with him.

    And ask him what turns him on, or what are some of his fantasies.

    Maybe you haven't exactly "tossed his salad" yet.

    Just find out what turns him on,and what he likes,

    and try what you're comfortable doing.

    Strip teases, lap dances, chocolate syrup, kinky surprises like that get guys worked up.

  17. get anew boyfriend...............

  18. So the first question would be does he want to stay a virgin until marriage? Could be the reason! Second if that isn't the case, then buy a vibrator and while your in bed pull it out and show him what he's missing. Either he will get turned on and make love to you, or he'll get pissed and leave. If he leaves then you were probably better off without him.

  19. First of all, you can't just force him. You should try to get him to like you more slowly. And don't act desperate, because that won't help. Some men just want to take their time with a relationship.

  20. he won't like it if you push yourself onto him. Try doing something romantic. if that doesnt work then he just isnt ready for s*x

  21. want me to help you?

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