
I need help in getting a better education!

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Can I please have tips on how to study, pay attention better, and get high grades in high school.. It's my second year and I really want to get high remarks!




  1. SCHEDULE! Seriously, make a plan and stick to it. Managing time is the key--schedule when you're going to be studying, when you're out with your friends/"me time", when you're working (may not apply to you yet), when you're going to be hitting the gym, etc. It may seem kind of hard in the beginning, but eventually you'll be able to do it mentally without writing it down. Good luck!  

  2. Before class, look over what the next topic will be.  See if there is a part that you don't understand.  Ask the teacher if you don't.

    In class, pay attention.  Listen to what  the teacher says and pay particular attention to what's written on the board.  Take notes, even if you understand things.  You may forget later and writing things down helps to reinforce it in your mind.

    After class, do your homework.  Try to understand the work, not just the mechanics involved.  If you don't understand something ask your teacher before the next clss begins.  Teachers are there to help you.

    Taking tests.  Prepare as much as you can before the day of the test.  If you have been doing your work all along, preparation will be that much easier.  Doy of test, especially the last few minutes before the test, is not so much about learning anymore, now it's about state of mind.  You need to relax and let the information gel in your mind.  Remember, on the test you will not be credited for what you know, only for what you put on the paper.

    Important , too, is the area where you study.  The less distractions the better.  If you insist on music, fine, but not if it lessens your concentration of the task at hand.

    Good luck!!

  3. study with music or friends so ur not bored but it depends what friends you study with make sure its not someone to loud or distracted.  

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