Serious answer to this???
Please, the condo complex where I live puts pellets down in the spring supposedly to kill the field mice which come out of the forest behind the houses.I was highly suspect of why the wildlife decreased radically, or looked sick an maimed for weeks afterwards.I took a few pellets and had them tested by a biochemist.It is a derivative of rat poison, when the condo association said it was not,I was taken in front of the Board and given a severe warning, which of course I told them I'd ignore whether they'd fine me or not.
Now, does anyone know what steps IT must take to report this in a legal manner to the WildLife Commission to have them answer for what is being insidiously done?No neighbour wants to help me, because as so many people they care about nothing but their selfish selves, not the critters.Any helpful advice as to whom to contact, what to actively do to save the poor critters around here?They do NO one harm! I'd appreciate this! Thank U so!!! Grecia.