
I need help in my math summer packet....?

by  |  earlier

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For question number 8: The first length is 2.5 while the 2nd one is 5. So.... I know the answer of the third one is 5.6 but i don't really get question of 8a.

8a. Alex estimates that the unknown side length is about 4.5. How do you think Alex's estimate compares with the actual length. Explain your reasoning.




  1. Alex is pretty far off.  However, you don't say what you are referring to.  Is this a triangle?  Is it line segments?  I wonder if there's a diagram with this question.

    If first length = 2.5

    and 2nd = 5

    and 3rd is 5.6

    estimating 4.5 for the 3rd length is not even close as it is less than the second length.  ;)

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