
I need help in potty training?

by Guest65912  |  earlier

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I have a 3 yr old that has finally went got off diapers except when he has to go #2 hes fine going to the restroom on his own when he has to pee but not when he has too p**p. he wont go in the toilet only in diapers. does anyone ever had this kind of issue and can help me with thier experiences.




  1. A lot of kids are scared about what happens to their poo once it is in the toilet. When he poo's in his diaper, walk him over to the toilet and have him watch you dump it in the toilet and have him help you flush it down. The say, "that's where poo goes, why don't you try next time?" You might have to do this a ton, but he will eventually get the point.

    Why don't you buy the book, "everyone poops." and read it to him while you are trying to get him to go.

    Also, make a "p**p chart" every time he goes in the toilet he gets a sticker and when he gets to 3 stickers he gets a silly little prize he can pick out of a bowel. Have him put the sticker himself on the chart. Make sure he can see the bowel with all the toys in it but can't touch it. Make sure you explain that when he gets to a certain point he can have a toy.

    Good Luck!! Hope I gave you some ideas.  

  2. I had the same problem what ever you do dont force him you could scare him i learned that mistake. Turn it into a game or as soon as you see him pressing for a poo take him into the toliet and ask him does he want to go poo poos in the big boys toilet. Try giving him a book to keep him occupied while he does it. That worked for me good luck.

    Like i said dont force him if he doesnt want to go he doesnt want to go try taking him in when you need to go just try turning it into a game or rewarding him when he does go try telling him if you go do poo poos u will get a sweet.

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