
I need help in skipping a grade!!!!!?

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I was born in U.S and last year I went overseas to attend an international school.( I just returned to US). I was in 6th grade when I left the U.S but I had to repeat 6th grade over there.Anyway my goal is to skip the 7th grade and go to the 8th grade here in America.My parents told me that i have to take some exam to reenter the U.S school system. Does anybody know what kind of exam it is.and, also i want to know how many questions are there, how hard is the test, and what subjects are there please respond




  1. I'm Sure you will do fine but even if some one did take the test they would have taken a different version of the test because the tests change regularly and for different age groups to try to prevent cheating but I'm sure you will do fine just try your hardest and get a good nights sleep.

  2. Well, I don't know about any kind of testing.  It is really rare to hear children skip grades.   If you do take a test to reenter...which I doubt.   I work for the NYC Dept Of Ed.   when children come into the school system, they just register them, and they are placed in a class according to age.  As the year progresses, depending on the students development, the child will be given extra help.

    I guess, the only thing you can really do is excel in all your grades.   If you are in class, and can prove that you are indeed ahead of your class, you need your parents to be advocates for you.   They need to schedule an appointment with your school teacher and possibly administrators to see what they can do for you.  

    Before anything can be done though, you need to prove that you can be skipped a grade.   So, you better hit those books buddy.    

  3. you dont have to take any kind of exam to get into public school, i skipped a grade by being homeschooled for two years, i finished the 7th and half of the 8th grade in one year, and the other half of the 8th grade and the 9th grade in the other year, now im going back into highschool in the 10th grade!

  4. Well I'm sure it varies from state to state and school to school.  If I were you I would go see the school principle with your parents and see what you would have to do.

  5. You should tell my brother he is in middle school.

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