
I need help in teaching basic math for my 7 year old grandchild!!!?

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Is ther a free website to help my grandchild? She tries real hard but can not understand it at all. May be on the enternet would make it fun for her but, I cant find a website for her to understand. I need help for her, she is getting behind everyone else. She feels stupid I told her she wasnt but, kids are pretty mean. Please someone help us!!!!!!! Thanks!!




  1. Would you consider the school to help her thru special ed services?

    If so write a letter to the district special ed director requesting a evaluation to be done to determine if she can qualify.

  2. my son's teacher swears by sparklebox

  3. You can try

    There are a bunch of problems and lessons from early math to advanced math help.  You should let your granddaughter know she is very smart, and with an amazing person like you helping her I'm sure she will start to shine in her classes.


    try this website. It increases speed and help you to calculate faster. The sums are very easy.

  5. go on and they have a great system. they have a link that goes to math, reading etc.

    i is really good.!

    my girls were behind and now ahead


    The above are my favorite math websites for kids, but the next one is a link list to MANY other primary math websites.

  7. Julie answered with some great websites.  I would also had playing with beans, buttons, etc.  She would take the math problem say 7-2.  She would lay out seven beans and then tell you she is taking two away.  Then she should answer the problem.  Young kids and those getting confused at any age really benefit from hands-on things like that.  

    Don't forget to ask the teacher for some hints.  Sometimes they have worksheets that go along with what she is teaching but is made for someone who is struggling.  Doing these at home as extra homework would help her understanding without holding her back.  

    Do reward her for this extra work, so she won't feel burned out.

    As a teacher, thank you for being interested in your granddaughter's education.  You are a rare find!

  8. You may want to take a look at this thread.

    My friend wrote a lot about math in a reply on that forum.  From there, feel free to e-mail me specifics about what she is learning and I will be glad to offer suggestions.  Since I am not sure what she is learning, it is hard to offer specific ideas.



  10. I used to tutor young kids in math. The way I find it easiest is to use crayons, or fruit, or toys.

    like 7+2  get out two toys and say 7 plus two. then get her to count up from seven two times. and for subtraction, 7-2. get out seven toys or crayons and take two away and get her to count the remaining crayons.



  12. try

    they usually have really neat things to help kids learn.

    if not, why do you try to show her different things using candies, beads, and other objects in larger numbers.

    My nephew is 6 and at his school, they taught him to add, subract, multiply and divide by using m&ms and small beads.


  14. I don't know of any websites, but there is some software that you could get.  Jumpstart has some good educational programs.  Check with your local library.  Ours will lend out software.  You can keep it long enough for them to master it or to become bored with it and then swap it for something else.  

    One of the best ways to teach math, though, is to actually use it.  Have her count things that are around her.  Have her add using straws or popsicle sticks.  Students need to "see" it.

  15. have you tried flash cards?  also hooked on phonics probably has  one for math too( i know they do reading and spelling they probably do math too)


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